USC Notes: A Timely Comment From Lincoln Riley

Here’s a timely comment from Lincoln Riley to On3.

“When we took this job a few years ago it was looking ahead to the places you feel like are going to be in great shape no matter how this thing changes because it is unpredictable but this place’s advantages are not going anywhere.”

So the alumni network is powerful? Maybe Riley should try meeting them once in awhile.

  • The NCAA Division I council introduced proposals to shorten the transfer windows in football and basketball from 45 to 30 days. A vote is expected to occur in October.
  • USC long jumper Johnny Brackins just missed the Olympic team by finishing fourth at the Olympic Trials last night. The top three make the Olympics. Michael Norman qualified in the 400 meters after finishing second in the final.

17 thoughts on “USC Notes: A Timely Comment From Lincoln Riley

  1. This revenue sharing on college campuses whether they are labeled employees or not works out to between $30,000 to $60,000 each for the some 500 SC athletes

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Anyone else notice that Riley always says “We” versus “I”? A trait that indicates he will never individually accept responsibility for anything.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Kendall Ellis in 2018 won the national championship for the SC women’s track team with maybe the most amazing sports feat I have ever witnessed when she moved from 4th place with only 100 yards to go and nosed out the frontrunner. Well, she is still at it and just quaified for the Olympics

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Special Treat for those who get Phil Steele’s College Football Preview: All the conferences have 20 or 30 pages devoted to the teams within the conference…… except for the Pac Two Conference….which has 7 lines devoted to it at the bottom right hand corner of page 220. Phil hilariously says Oregon State looks like it will come in first…..while Washington State, which is picked to lose to Oregon State, will come in a close second….


    Liked by 2 people

    1. I hope some of the old regulars who left the blog come back once fall practice starts…in no particular order, Pudly, James, Nasir, Cara, Mrs. Helton, 04Trojan, TommyD, Cal75, Sgt. Joe Friday, Bourbon, EdG and his missus, TrojanWB (Bob Jensen), Karma, Truman, Mr. Tirebiter, GameTV, Fred Flinstone, Tim Leftwich, Global Consultant, Linkster, the list goes on.

      Good on to you gents who post regularly for keeping the lights on here.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Great list, ’67!

        Come back, Brothers & Sister Cara!



        Liked by 2 people

      2. Agreed! Along with Hal9000, Parcel, Waynelusvardi, TrojanBoogs, USC_Dude, CalabasasTrojan, EricTurner and others we may be forgetting, momentarily.

        Have a great day, All!! Talk to you this evening.

        Liked by 2 people

  5. Sifting through some old Wolf remarks from a couple of years ago there was quite a load of gents posting here but today not so much.

    Whew, it took a while but the Dodgers hit the halfway mark of 81 games, 81 to go, and ‘O’ has 24 homers and 60 R.B.I.s, and is the first half’s National League player of the season (but like with any slugger he strikes out a lot)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Riley To Pasadena: “My job is being Plato’s Philosopher/King”….



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