Lynn Swann On Dan Patrick Show

Lynn Swann was on the Dan Patrick radio show this morning and here is the key 5-minute part, if you can stomach it. Swann talks about USC losing a sense of urgency last season and that he does not have a set number of victories for Clay Helton to save his job.

39 thoughts on “Lynn Swann On Dan Patrick Show

      1. Arturo — I know a little bit about current Dems. They say beautiful things about equality and justice. And people, believing they really mean these words as much as the Dems of old, vote for them. But these Dems aren’t Julian Bond or Robert Kennedy. They are the furthest thing from that.
        If you want to vote Dem —vote for the Dem all the rest of the Dems hate: Tulsi Gabbard. She’s far from perfect…but she’s not a liar or a self server.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. “the Dems of old.” JFK supported lower taxes, believed in the equality of Man, encouraged personal responsibility and self-sufficiency, and opposed Communism. If he ran today, it’d have to be as a Republican.

        The Democrats of old were the party of slavery, the Civil War, the assassination of President Lincoln (Booth was a Know Nothing but sympathized with the Confederate/Democrat South), Segregation, Manifest Destiny, the Indian Removal Act, the Trail of Tears, the Mexican-American War, the re-segregation of the military and federal government, American Internment, and the insinuation of Communism into the American experiment. Today, they are the party of racial division, antagonism, and dependence, the abolition of Marriage, child slaughter, and the mainstreaming of Marxism/Communism/Socialism and Islam’s genocidal anti-Semitism.

        In other words, they’re still totalitarians who believe that it is their right to bestride their fellow citizens.

        The more things change, the more they stay the same.

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      3. Millenny — I’d ALMOST respect the Dems more if they were REALLY for redistribution of wealth —but they’re only for increasing taxes so that they can funnel more money into the pockets of their friends — a game they’ve been playing for decades. And a lot of very sincere people stick with them because they can’t comprehend the scale of venality involved.

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      4. The dems are the party of taxes and death. They want to give free healthcare to everyone including immigrants , free education, free everything. Then they want to eliminate borders. If everything is free in america and there are no borders to stop you from coming in, what’s the incentive for anyone, anywhere(africa, asia, the middle east, mexico, central america) from coming in here and getting all the free stuff. But can america take care of all the poor all over the world? NO! We’ll just go bankrupt trying. Why would anyone want to vote for a group of people who want to teach your kids that there are 52 genders?

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  1. Lynn is really shoveling it here —if Kingsbury didn’t expressly tell Lynn he’d only THINK about the USC gig if he was given an escape hatch in case something better came along, Lynn wouldn’t have agreed to the $7.95 buyout clause (which gave Kingsbury ticket out)….

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  2. What do you want the guy to say? If he doesn’t win every game he’s fired? No AD can do that. Swann has done a poor job, he knows it, and certainly every usc alum and fan know it as well. But in this case, his interview is fine. He didn’t replace Helton for whatever reason, even though almost everyone wished that he would have. Swann can’t throw him under the bus now, he’s tied to him and the season is about to start.


    1. Totally get it, 67, but, to play devil’s advocate, rankings aren’t everything. I would say that recruiting your team’s needs well is best.


  3. It’s really ‘dark’ outside…the show originated here in LA this morning. That’s the most I believe any of us have heard Swann answer any real questions about the program since the end of last year. It is so so sad to see what the program has morphed into thanks to this overpaid ‘golfer’ and the stooge whose contract he amazingly bizarrely chose to extend. Bar none the most overpaid and also laziest AD of any program in the entire nation

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  4. On a lighter note……wouldn’t you love to listen in on a conversation between Dan Gurerro and Lynn Swann talking shop?

    Dan – “I hired a football coach the other day. It was crazy-easy. Took me like 3 minutes. I had my face stuffed into a bag of tamales an hour before lunch!”

    Swanny – “Small world! I hired a guy too. To say it was easy is wildly understated. I just re-hired a dude ambling down the hallway! Done before I reached the top of my backswing!”

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    1. I understand the comparison of Swann to Guerrero and that Chip Kelley isn’t much today in 2019 but he’s better than Helton….three consecutive top 5 rankings at end of season (2010 – 2012) and played in the BCS CG in 2010.

      Helton is a disaster

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      1. I wouldn’t exactly say disaster, Alv —-he’s just an average coach who’s in over his head. An honorable man would have gotten out when he had the chance (after the Ohio State debacle).

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  5. That fool Swann is sitting there sounding like he and Clay don’t have a care in the world, they’re untouchable and USC football is fucked for the foreseeable future.


    Damn, Max Nikias must hate Trojan football something fierce!

    Looks like Errand Boy is going to be around to suffer another humiliating defeat when Nick Saban and the Tide put another beat down on him…I doubt Errand Boy even cares.

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  6. If the Trojans talent manages to overcome Clay’s incompetent coaching and they pull out 9 wins that will be enough to give Helton another contract extension.

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      1. Here’s the way a Sicilian plays this, Arturo. Today, you tell Helton that he has to get 9 wins (incentive). After the season, you fire Helton for only getting 9 wins (justice).


    1. It sounds like that is what you’re hoping….it matters not what the record is per wins as Helton will not get credit for it…it will all go to Harrell and conversely all losses will stick to Helton permanently. Helton can’t escape 2018….once Darnold left there was nothing to conceal how truly awful a head coach he is…..


  7. If USC loses ugly early the unemployment line will suddenly get longer. That much is assured, but what happens if they kick butt? I’d like to see this no matter how unlikely it seems. Will the fair weather faithful return?Will Swann look like a genius and Helton a redeemed coach? Will Scott get a writing gig?
    As I said not likely is it?


  8. The Mexican way is “El pacto de caballeros” and is very similar, MG. They stab you in the back and then throw you in a pool of HCl- acid narco style.
    In the meantime, I will make my lemonade (out of Helton’s lemons) with real fructose as it is a little healthier ( I think).


  9. Clearly, Lynn Swann has lowered the standards of USC football, and is giving Bozo Helton a very long rope, with a cushion to fall on. And anytime a athletic director continues to acknowledge the academic accomplishments, and everything else that’s not related to on the field play, then he has zero confidence in his coach. And hiring unemployed coaches is totally different from cherry picking successful coaches off of other teams staffs . Nobody wanted Tim Drevno, or Graham Harrell, except for BoZo Helton, so Swann can take that, and shove it up his ass

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    1. Fan Boy —I’m betting Harrell turns out to be a fine choice for Offensive Coordinator. The question is —can he overcome the impact of Helton and Drevno?


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