The Honeymoon Is Over For Some Fans

One good thing from Saturday’s game is the fan reaction.

I listened to most of the phone calls on the post-game show and they were critical of the defense and coaching. People have had enough from last season and don’t want to endure more frustration. That’s good because last season there were too many apologists until the final two games of the season.

Let’s remember the first six games are considered the easy part of the schedule, so this was supposed to be the defense’s time to dominate.

Watch the play below:

42 thoughts on “The Honeymoon Is Over For Some Fans

  1. Hopefully the D improves a lot, if not, Grinch is gone at the end of the year. I don’t see it happening midyear for a number of reasons.

    Good to see Riley cracked on Jackson’s missed coverage:

    Scottie, we are now 3 posts in on the postmortem of the first game, and not one photo of Zion. Or Duce. These guys are going to be stars. What’s your deal?

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Yep. You just can’t ignore the prettiest kickoff return we’ve seen since Adoree took it to Notre Dame….

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      1. Zion has an incredible burst in the first 20 yards. I don’t recall Reggie being quicker. The fact that the USC DBs have to cover the best WRs in the country every day in practice should help them get better.

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      2. Not being particularly fast [or really any good at coverage to begin with] I’d pull at a guy’s jersey every time I got beat….. but we’ve got guys who are 4 star players doing the tugging…. I don’t get it…

        Liked by 1 person

    2. I told you clowns that Grinch, Shaun Nua and Donte Williams aren’t worth a shit.

      ‘Ol Mule Shoe is stuck with those idiots for the year. Maybe USC can try and bring in Ed Orgeron as a consultant to actually fix the defense, if not, this team is fucked because Grinch, Nua and Donte Williams have no clue what they’re doing


    1. Not since the 3 stooges…

      BTW, the former beat writer for the gutties, Thuc Nhi Nguyen, is now the USC beat writer for the LA Times. She seems infinitely more happy in her new job. She is great, the gutties were beneath her, here is her twitter feed, including:

      “With his back turned to the play, Jamil Muhammad wasn’t watching Zachariah Branch’s kickoff return. Until he heard the guy he was supposed to be blocking say, “Oh. He gone.” ”

      Liked by 2 people

      1. 67 — That cagey start was beautiful —even more so when you realize it came from a freshman….

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    1. Cowardly Gabby aka TebowObama aka The Guy who posts as So Cal's Wife & LawyerJohn & Pudly & Plow Horse & steveg49 & DOJ & Scott Wolf and Frank Young says:

      Cowardly Gabby aka TebowObama aka The Guy who posts as So Cal’s Wife & LawyerJohn & Pudly & Plow Horse & steveg49 & DOJ & Scott Wolf and Frank Young is an instant twerp.


      1. Cowardly Gabby aka TebowObama aka The Guy who posts as So Cal's Wife & LawyerJohn & Pudly & Plow Horse & steveg49 & DOJ & Scott Wolf and Frank Young says:

        Cowardly Gabby aka TebowObama aka The Guy who posts as So Cal’s Wife & LawyerJohn & Pudly & Plow Horse & steveg49 & DOJ & Scott Wolf and Frank Young’s sock puppet is always ready to chime in to defend his master Cowardly Gabby.


  2. It’s not just the defense, it’s the overall philosophy of Lincoln Riley, he just doesn’t coach physical football, which will catch up to him if he makes the playoffs. You can’t dominate the line of scrimmage with average players you pull from the transfer portal. Can you imagine if this was the Trojans first year in the Big Ten? 😂😂 Until last night’s game, I thought Stanford, Arizona State, Arizona would be easy wins…. Not!!! Caleb Williams isn’t sneaking up on any opponent’s this season, they know his talent level behind that mediocre offensive line


  3. Yikes, that is a far cry from Pre-Season commentary about how great this Trojan team was going to be–
    “average players pulled from the transfer portal”
    and how Stanford, ASU and Arizona will not be pushovers
    and how ‘Celeb’ is not sneaking up on teams this year

    What’s next, a Spanish soccer star being kissed against her will?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Too bad for that coach his last name isn’t Biden. They’re above the law and any suggestion of doing anything inappropriate.


      1. Gabby aka The Guy who posts as So Cal's Wife & LawyerJohn & Pudly & Plow Horse & steveg49 & DOJ & Scott Wolf and Frank Young says:

        EAT SLEEP SHIT BIDEN……pathetic!


      2. Cowardly Gabby aka TebowObama aka The Guy who posts as So Cal's Wife & LawyerJohn & Pudly & Plow Horse & steveg49 & DOJ & Scott Wolf and Frank Young says:

        Cowardly Gabby aka TebowObama aka The Guy who posts as So Cal’s Wife & LawyerJohn & Pudly & Plow Horse & steveg49 & DOJ & Scott Wolf and Frank Young is so pathetic she still won’t meet Plow Horse at the boxing ring in Pasadena after challenging him to a fight.

        Plow Horse
        JUNE 22, 2023 AT 8:33 PM
        Gabby: I didn’t use the term “white guy.” The CEO of Ocean Gate used the term white guy. I suppose that reading comprehension isn’t one of your strengths. But since you brought my wife into it, something that you would never do if we met face to face, let’s meet up Mr. keyboard tough guy or are you going to chickensh*t out like you normally do. I work out at a boxing gym in Pasadena, CA. Name a date and time and I will make a reservation.


    2. “I know I said I didn’t mind the kiss [after I said I DID mind] but now, after talking to my lawyers, I wanna return more or less to the spirit of my first statement — I realize I am offended in the extreme —and not just for myself — but for all women —living and dead…

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I was asked by MY to appear here and explain how Nevada is going to murder USC next week. Three reasons I see for Nevada beating USC are
    1. Nevada hasn’t lost a game this season. They had the worst team in their league last season, but are tied for Second place in the Mountain West Conference.
    2. After watching film of the USC game the secret to success for the Wolfpack (a name for non trolls on this blog) is to wait for the defense to over pursue the ball and then run to open field. On pass plays there’s no worries because the Trojan d-backs are often confused on who to cover. Also if the pass falls short, no worries because the safety is probably pulling the jersey of the guy he’s “covering”which will draw a flag.
    3. Riley really isn’t a head coach, he’s a high priced offensive coordinator. The offense can score with ease, but Riley is clueless about stopping other offenses. He has kept two of the worst assistants in the country making previous coordinators look like geniuses. Grinch has all new bricks and mortar, but has the blueprint upside down.

    Bonus reason: Even though Stanford is not very good, USC will overlook Nevada as the worst of Mountain West and this will lead to being behind at the half. Time in next Sunday when I concoct my reason for the refs aiding the Stanford Trees in their one point victory over the Trojans.

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  5. The fact of the matter is that CLR is an offensive ego maniac, just like Sark and Kiffin, and we’ve seen that movie before. This trio actually believes that no matter how bad their defense is, nobody is going to stop their offense. We saw a sample of this in the embarrassing Cotton Bowl loss to Tulane. Maybe the only way that CLR’s philosophy changes is to take a couple of physical beatdowns at the hands of a Notre Dame or a Washington.


  6. I still think that that D-Line is better. The SJS O-Line was breaking down faster. That’s why he is having to take off a run so much. The D-Line is getting penetration. And the LB’s have to watch where daylight opens up and plug those holes and not miss tackles. His defense is an attacking type defense. That’s why they had so many sacks last year. But when you play that defense, you have to be disciplined. I’m not sure that Grinch’s defense is.

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    1. Grinch has the players to play hard nosed defense. He simply want to over coach and over scheme for some reason when often times it backfires. Play a straight defense a little and lets see what we got.

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      1. Steveg
        When you say that Grinch has got to go, you are preaching to the choir. I’ve said that from day 1. Grinch is not going to play straight up. He runs an attacking defense. He runs a defense which requires a lot of stunts and loops and cornerback blitzes. That works if everyone knows their assignment on everyplay. Does Grinch need to go? From what I have seen both last year and at Oklahoma, I would say yes but he’s still here so let’s see what he can do.

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  7. Did you hear Scott talking about listening to callers on a talk show after the game?

    I’m more interested in hearing from coaches. Apparently, players have two games to state their bid to play in games, not just start. Let’s see if penalties will be tolerated. 70 players participated. Been awhile since that many played. Curious why Cobb didn’t stay back instead of jumping that gap thinking the running back received the ball. No one yelled “pass”?

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      1. Where did this obsession with “coach quotes” come from? Succeeding in getting quotes from our coaches isn’t like finding pearls ….you’ll get “we did some stuff right, we did some stuff wrong…we gotta improve.”

        Liked by 2 people

  8. “The honeymoon is over” for some SC fans writes Wolf
    Sorry, but that ‘Ton-o-Hel’ residue still remains for some
    But Wiley is slowly creating the team in his own image

    Liked by 1 person

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