Notes: A Model For USC

Iowa interim athletic director Beth Goetz announced offensive coordinator Brian Ferentz will not return next season and will remain through the Hawkeyes’ bowl game.

This could actually be a model for USC because I’ve previously said there really isn’t a candidate to replace Alex Grinch on the current USC staff. He could remain through a bowl game. But does anyone suspect Jen Cohen would pull a similar maneuver on Lincoln Riley?

  • A 6-day selection is being utilized for the USC-Oregon start time on Nov. 11. The kickoff times and TV information will not be known until after this weekend’s games.

Here are the options:

42 thoughts on “Notes: A Model For USC

  1. Ol Jen is going to fire Wiley, huh?
    After this Season of doubts would an NFL team take a chance on the guy, although he might bolt for another college team since he has had his fill of SC fans

    If SC loses to Wash then the dew comes off the rose and the SC-Ore game and it gets the 7:30 slot


    1. Lincoln Riley will have a nervous breakdown if Jen Cohen forces his hand in firing Alex Grinch.

      Riley is an introvert, seen as a lone wolf among his coaching colleagues.

      Doesn’t seem to like associating much with other coaches, probably why his options for hiring coordinators and assistants is limited or actually nonexistent in terms of quality, basically he’s picking from the bottom of the barrel.

      Probably best if Jen Cohen makes the defensive coordinator hire for Riley because he might end up picking some defensive assistant that no one ever heard of from some program in Backwardass, TX.

      Cohen needs to have Grinch hold the door open for Shaun Nua and Donte Williams when he’s on his way out, no sense in keeping either one of those clowns either.


      1. Maybe Lincoln Riley should have the towel wavers follow Alex Grinch around campus and practice cheering him on, see if he can fool anyone into thinking Grinch is worth a shit.



  2. The Iowa situation is a one-off, with the o-coordinator being the son of the HC, and he only was going to keep his job if Iowa averaged at least 25 points per game. They are way below that so it was pretty much a done deal already.

    If only USC had required something similar of Grinch…but in any case, he is good as gone.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Sorry Wolf, misread that one, but I still don’t think Ol’ Jen is going to do any firing as she’ll leave that up to Wiles


      1. Especially his boyfriend Alex Grinch.

        If Grinch has to go don’t be surprised if Riley gives Cohen an ultimatum, he’ll go too.

        If that happens, Cohen needs to hand him his hat and say, “Adios…don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out and take those other two clowns Shaun Nua and Donte Williams with you”


      2. says the pussy boy with the Napolean complex that likes to talk shit but won’t
        meet up with Gabby to take his ass whipping


      3. Says the Board Coward, Zero Football IQ Charlie Bucket the UCLA Fan aka Cowardly Gabby/TebowObama. You chickened out of 2 fights here this summer!

        Plow Horse
        JUNE 22, 2023 AT 9:57 PM

        You have offended my wife, my mother and my father. All sexual inferences. I let the first two go because they are both deceased but not my wife. You are the one who offended my family, not visa versa. I have never brought your wife or parents into anything. It is therefore my call – boxing gym in Pasadena CA, Mr. tough guy. Give me a date and I will make the arrangements. Stop being a chickensh*t.

        And nobody believes you are friends with Dana White. If you ever read the news, he is a staunch conservative who left the country during Covid so that the Dems. couldn’t shut down UFC. He wouldn’t allow a pussy leftist like yourself anywhere near his octagon. Rummaging the dumpster outside of the premises for plastic bottles redeemable for 20 cents doesn’t mean you know Dana White you leftist, racist, pussy.

        Give me available dates.

        Liked by 2 people

      4. Stop with the pussy boy shit……let’s meet up and bring plow and slo troll with you….kill three birds with one stone…..stop hiding behind the keyboard…you fake little bitch….man up, pussy boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    1. LR is very vulnerable to criticism. That’s one thing that I have noticed about him. I think that he’s a great coach but he is fragile emotionally. This season has drove him to drink. If he brings Grench back all hell will break loose. He’s not going to want to go through another season like this one. I’m sure that he is regretting that he didn’t listen to the fans a bring in a new DC before this season started. Grench is gone.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Reilly will fire Grinch without being told to do it. I suspect that he was tempted to do it last year. It is much easier to fire him than to keep him. And LJ, we don’t need to wait for the results of the Washington game to figure out whether the “bloom is off the rose.” We have played nine games and USC has underperformed in seven of them. The bloom was off starting with the second half of the Colorado game. We are a mediocre football team that can be entertaining at times, nothing more. Most USC fans want and expect more.

    Liked by 3 people

      1. LJ: We have Caleb Williams, Marshawn Lloyd, Zachariah Branch, Bear Alexander, and Callen Bullock – of course we can give Washington a game. Agree with you on that one. What pisses me off is we have the talent to be a really good team but don’t see it on the field. But there is always the next game when we will shine. That’s sports.

        Liked by 2 people

      1. When are you going to keep your word and fight Plow Horse you Coward ?You live in a Bizarro World where your every humiliation like tonight’s rout is spun into a victory. Plow Horse called your bluff and you chickened out. Now everyone here knows you are The Coward of the County.


      2. Riley is not going to refuse to fire Grench. He knows that he should have fired him before this season


    1. Donte Williams and whoever else coaches the defensive secondary should be fired. The Trojans, this year, have twelve 4 stars and one 5 star plus two high end 3 stars(Christian Roland Wallace and Bryce Shaw) in their secondary. They have 15 quality guys to fill 5 spots, yet they are rated 105th in the nation(7th in the Pac-12) in passing yards given up. That’s inexcusable. We need new coaches in the secondary.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Donte Williams doesn’t know Jack Shit about football. He’s always been nothing more than a bullshit artist who couldn’t coach his way out of a wet paper bag, and he is emblematic of the main problem at USC, all sizzle no steak.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. That was Brady McCullough’s article in today’s print edition….the most telling part in the article was Riley’s friendship with Grinch because Grinch came west with him. What fool.. Grinch knew no one was going go keep him as DC whoever replaced Reilly.

      Riley needs to accept his lack of confidence and hire someone who will share glory and failure but most importantly realize he is never going to play for NC letting his well intentioned horrible buddies be on his coaching staff.


      1. I get Riley’s loyalty to Grinch and the other coaches and staff who came west from OU. But at least with Grinch, it’s not working. Riley if you don’t make a move, it’s going to bring down the program.


  5. You think Ferentz supports the AD firing his son!? Maybe he agreed to it behind the scenes. Riley will fire Grinch after the season. None of the USC defensive assistants are qualified to step in as DC now.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. That would have been pretty cold of Wiley to have fired Grinch after only 1-year at SC
    and so he didn’t. And they are obviously good buddies which makes it even harder
    But now the ‘writing is on the wall’ or so say the Trojan multitudes

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Lincoln Riley should put Sparrow Klepto (Original Sunshine Pumper) alongside the towel wavers so he can cheer Riley and Grinch on during the game. Sparrow can wave around Riley’s jockstrap while holding a sign that reads, “Riley…One More Year!”


  8. Scooter,

    Sorority Girl aka Cohen will not do a thing. She is too busy planning with her sorority halloween parties, thanksgiving pie give aways, and getting ready for Christmas. Riley won’t fire Grinch. Riley is not cold hearted and a business man. He is a nice guy and that will get you into trouble. In order to be a head coach, you have to do what is best for the team. The problem is, Riley is covering for Grinch by saying that the defense is doing well and that they are only 5-6 plays from being great. He does not say what the reality is, and that is, SC’s defense and offense are not working right now and there will be changes (coaching and play calling).


  9. Scooter,

    You did not write about the local Pasadena ruin club memebers (gang bangers) robbing the Colorado locker room while the game was going on. My question is, where was the security guards that were to protect the locker rooms? They got past private security, Pasadena Police, and Rose Bowl employees. Heads need to roll on this and that includes Pasadena Police. Incompetence. They make the Key Stone Cops look professional.


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