The USC Friday Column Supplement

The Big Ten is having its media days July 23-25 in Indianapolis. USC’s media day is July 24.

It’s not as easy to get away game tickets in the Big Ten. If you are in the Trojan Athletic Fund, you now have to enter a lottery just for a chance to purchase tickets to games at Michigan, Minnesota and Maryland. Michigan tickets cost $200 each.

It wasn’t that way to go to Cal, Stanford, Arizona State, Arizona . . .

Howard Jones Field is getting set up for an event, probably part of the recruiting weekend.

13 thoughts on “The USC Friday Column Supplement

  1. Doesn’t look like a bad schedule from a weather standpoint. Minnesota on the first week in October should be fine. Good time to visit. DC/Maryland is beautiful in the middle of October.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You only posted once today, whick saved you from me slapping your stupidiy around. The less you post the better.


      1. Now that is the way to present doo-doo —-with a smile.




      1. Drive a Lamborghini? It’s more like … here’s your Lamborghini for free IF you’re good enough to make the team… How do you think that’s going to compare with the standard “… we offer excellent academic opportunities as well” ? I think that the kids take one look – and word will definitely travel fast through the ranks of recruits that Texas is serious about getting the best players and they are ready to pay for them. Texas has lots of money to spend on football. USC has been eroding its culture by selling out the entire university to the Chinese Communist Party, so now it’s actually a larger source of revenue than the profits from their football program

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      2. You may be correct Marv in implying that the car give away will be an effective recruiting tactic. (I assumed they would be leased cars.) But I hope that USC does not stoop to this level. You have to draw the line somewhere. If the recruit is all about the money and doesn’t value the education, coaching, alumni business opportunities, and traditions of USC maybe you let him go. Do you really want a 19 year old driving a Lamborghini? That is a lawsuit waiting to happen.

        Further, I don’t think the large number of CCP international students is entirely revenue based. These students are not charged much more than U.S. students. Folt appears to promote these students based, in part, on her globalist agenda. She wants USC to be known as a global university as opposed to a California/American one.

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      3. Anthony Michael Hall and Robert Downey Jr starred in this movie in 1988, Johnny Be Good. They made light of schools buying their players.

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