USC Notes: John Calipari Makes Interesting Comment

Did you hear John Calipari say on the Pat McAfee show today that Arkansas had no basketball schedule when he took over for Eric Musselman and he had to do the whole schedule?

It’s not too surprising because Musselman wanted out of Arkansas.

  • Musselman had practice this morning at the Galen Center and then NBA stars Kevin Durant, James Harden and Chet Holmgren along with Chicago Bulls guard Dalen Terry were among those who showed up to workout and play pickup games.

Musselman and his staff then went to Il Giordano at the USC Village for lunch.

21 thoughts on “USC Notes: John Calipari Makes Interesting Comment

    1. Did you say something about Trump fuc’ing you? And how the world would be a better place if you could spend some time beneath his 6 foot frame? And the sooner the better?


      Liked by 2 people



      2. Micheal,

        Do you think Jill Biden still wears knee pads when she is on all fours with Joe? We gots to know. Or do you think she has her friend in her drawer?


    1. I see your point, Plow. [Even I’M getting sick of the Trump/Biden back and forth—it seems to bring out the worst in me and Gabby]…..



      Liked by 1 person

      1. It wouldn’t be so bad, if someone didn’t have to always make it disgusting.

        She loves to lie and claim I’m always saying the same thing, which couldn’t be further from the truth. I’m generally commenting on something hilarious that Joe has done in the past 48 hours.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Michael, its not so much the Biden/Trump back and forth. I think that is healthy is a constitutional republic. Its the language. I have a temper and sometimes use colorful language. But if you would be embarrassed to have your wife and children read the posts that is a real problem. It has gotten to the point where I would not want my wife and children to read this blog primarily based on the offerings of one person.

        Liked by 2 people

      3. Plow Horse, your colorful language didn’t show itself for a very long time, after our buddy asked for it. You did the same thing I did…tried too fight fire with fire. But she only got off on it. I told GT & MG many times that they enjoyed reading it much more than I enjoyed writing it.

        The sicko claims I enjoyed pointing out that she acted like a child who had never been weaned. That, too, couldn’t be further from the truth. I was merely stating what many on this blog were afraid to say.

        I’ve gotten into the gutter with her very rarely over the past several months. Yeah, I’ll call out her stupidity and laugh when she claims to be winning. But I generally keep it PG rated these days.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. isiah collier will be available for lakers at 17

    wonder what GM LBJ will do

    they have a lot of intel into collier

    i would pick him frankly


  2. With the debate now close by one is reminded of Disraeli saying, “Damn your principles! Stick to your party!”


    1. Your party should reflect your principles. It is a constitutional Republic. The politicians are elected to represent the people in their state or district and do their will but that is no longer the case.

      How many people want an open southern border? 18 million unvetted illegal immigrants. Thousands of terrorists and criminal gang members. People with diseases such as Tuberculosis. All eligible for benefits superior to American citizens.

      How many people want 3 trillion dollar deficits and hyperinflation?

      How many people want Soros DAs and no cash bail and no enforcement of crimes such as petty theft, burglary, loitering, lewdness, public intoxication, drug possession, prostitution, toll jumping?

      How many people want to abandon energy independence? Gas prices have doubled. So have many grocery items.

      How many people think a 12 year old girl should have the option to take puberty blockers without the consent of her parents?

      How many people support DEI/reverse discrimination in school admission and hiring? Are you okay with drag queen story hour at your public library. How about critical race theory taught to your 7 year old.

      How many people think we did the right thing in how we evacuated from Afghanistan, leaving 80 billion in military armaments and a airport to a terrorist country, the Taliban?

      Yet 45% will vote for it.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. 18 million?……. please provide a link to support this claim

        All eligible for benefits superior to American citizens?…..please provide a link to support this claimSoros DAs and no cash bail and no enforcement of crimes such as petty theft, burglary, loitering, lewdness, public intoxication, drug possession, prostitution, toll jumping?…….please provide a link to support this claim

        How many people want to abandon energy independence? Gas prices have doubled. …..please provide a link to support your clainHow many people think a 12 year old girl should have the option to take puberty blockers without the consent of her parents?……please provide a link to support your claim

        we evacuated from Afghanistan, leaving 80 billion in military armaments and a airport to a terrorist country, the Taliban?…please provide a link that supports your claim

        You say the same fuc-ing $hit over and over and over yet lack the facts to support it… other words……YOU’RE A FUC-ING LIAR…..I HAVE DEBUNKED ALL THESE LIES BUT YOU CONTINUE TO IGNORE THE TRUTH……IT’S CALLED CONFIRMATION BIAS…..



      2. Gabby: All of the above are a matter of public record – open borders, trillion dollar deficits, Soros DAs that don’t enforce crimes, no energy independence, withdrawal from Afghanistan, ect. They are not disputable. Which statement of fact are you contesting? No reason for me to provide a link.

        You say that you have “debunked all of these lies.” Please provide a link.

        “Uncle Bosie was eaten by cannibals.” Please provide a link.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. you continue to be dishonest with yourself…..if you’re making accusations where are the facts to support them………BECAUSE THERE ISN’T ANY!………………trump taught you magats to use alternative facts to get the results you want…….Conway confirmed it!


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