Notre Dame Is In Town

Notre Dame is holding its pre-game walkthrough today at St. Bernard High School in Playa Del Rey.

  • The annual USC-Notre Dame luncheon in downtown L.A. that was discontinued a few years ago because of lack of interest is being held again today in Torrance.

48 thoughts on “Notre Dame Is In Town

      1. Ha! [Isn’t there a movie based on the idea of 2 dumb guys trying to commit obvious criminal violations in front of the police so they can get arrested & see the Super Bowl on the big screen at L. A. County Jail]?


  1. Just saw how the basketball game ended – Drew Peterson turning it over while running the 3 man weave action. Of course Wisconsin knew what USC was going to do b/c they have eyes. It’s gotten to the point where it’s embarrassing.


  2. SC QB Paul McDonald is a speaker at today’s luncheon and he is one of my all-time favorite Trojans captaining the great 1978 and 1979 teams while passing an average of only 19 times per game, something ‘Celeb’ often surpasses by halftime

    Too bad kickoff is not around 1:00 because I believe the heat has bothered ND in the past with November in South Bend in the 30s while tomorrow in L.A. it will be a high in the 70s but the game will be played in the 50s so no advantage SC

    All the talk is about SC trying to stop the expected ND rush but the Notre Dame quarterback is the wild card here with few expecting him to inflict much damage which always worries me about potential unsung heroes, and the Irish seldom have poor quarterbacking as this kid was a 4-star in high school

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Yes! Spending 4 hours sitting in the sun during peak skin cancer hours are when all home games should be scheduled.
        To hell with TV


  3. Notre Dame doesn’t always bring their band. I remember a couple of times when Notre Dame high school came out for the game.
    USC takes a band back with them. I wonder what the deal is? That school prints money


    1. Doesn’t always?! I don’t recall them ever bringing their band.

      Notre Dame high school from Sherman Oaks has generally come to play for them.


      1. That’s been my observation, but my “doesn’t always” was for the three times I missed the home game as an adult and if anyone older remembers when they did. Still what cheap ass school
        Also USC gets recruiting for the TMB when they bring in high schools. I brought my high school band out for band day in 2004. My band grew the next year and two kids from my school signed up for USC band. (I was a first year teacher and was “non re-elected” by he school they do that in March. They told me if I was needed I’d be brought back, but I had a job by the end of the month.)


      2. Well, I’m sure most of it is due to them being cheap. But some of it might be out of concern for their reputation as good little Catholic kids.

        Band geeks or not, as former TMB members, you & I both know there are a couple of hotels and at least one airline that will no longer accomodate TGMBITHOTH! LMAO


  4. That picture above is from the end of the 1978 National Champion SC team over ND on a Frank Jordan field goal after Joe Montana triggered a 3-touchdown comeback to take the lead only to fall short when SC’s McDonald brought SC back in the last 40-seconds to set up Jordan’s kick


    1. I remember that game vividly. Good old John Robinson decided to take the air out of the ball when SC was kicking the hell out of N.D. and allowed Joe Montana to get momentum and almost pull off a great comeback. Robinson did the same thing the next year against Stanford that resulted in a 21-21 tie. It almost cost SC a NC. That was JR’s stock in trade…play not to lose.


    1. Dementia Joe said that the purchase of a semi auto weapon is sick. Anyone of us who owns one is no better than a mass shooter.

      I wonder when his secret serice agents will be turning in their weapons, freakin’ hypocrite.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Oh yes! Lest we forget: A new IRS agent applying for the position must “carry a firearm and be willing to use deadly force, if necessary,” the recent job listings stated!


      2. EAT SLEEP SHIT BIDEN…..rinse and repeat 24/7……please seek medical help!

        Every day that you refrain from voicing admiration for the man you obsess over is a good day on this blog. It’s such a shame that Biden controls your political emotions…..creepy.

        PS….. Joe said he’s not after your ‘Red Ryder” single shot…. and he apologize for the “blue wave” smashing your scrawny-ass


      3. So funny that the dumbass doesn’t realize that commenting on something he said only yesterday is not “obesessing”! I’m not bringing up something he said or did months ago.

        If he hadn’t voted for it, we wouldn’t be laughing at it!


      4. Look at the little crying bitch…..every day he’s whining like a 4-year-old over something Biden did, mental issues!!….

        I slapped him around like a pinata and he goes to his one and only beyond stale shticks….. (Elmer Fudd voice)”If he hadn’t voted for it, we wouldn’t be laughing at it!….. the senile troll can’t compose a new or more impactful response.

        The only people who need a semi or fully auto weapon are professionals where it’s required in their line of employment….


      5. Well, IRS job posting was months ago. But referring to the purchase/sale of a semi auto weapon as “sick” was just yesterday.


      6. Trying to justify your stupidity….truly pathetic!

        Where is that recession?…..details, please……(o’ wait, it never came, just like the red wave you preached about…….slow down on the kool-aid, and find some self-dignity!


      7. You referred to me as a “she” (childish)when we know I’m the opposite sex and would twist your ass into a pretzel. Just continuing to prove how senile you truly are, like telling PT the other day, that you were going to quit making childish comments.

        I guess you are beyond repair!


      8. Yes, I was going to try.

        But if you’re going to give it, don’t cry when you get it. I responded to Tim. You CHOSE to chime in. Don’t try to play the victim AGAIN.


      9. Victim?????? I was pointing out the fact you’re a senile hypocrite!….. As I have mentioned many times, you once again failed to comprehend what I wrote.

        You get your ass slapped around daily, I would label you the victim. Plus, Joe has driven up inflation to the point where you have zero discretionary income left…..the victim of empty pockets

        One other thing, you call me a stalker, yet you take great pleasure in offering retorts ….


      10. I thought you were USC’s #1 fan…..So why avoid the biggest game of the year PAC12 title game?…. you mock me for not Going to LA for the home games, yet you’re pulling the same shit, senile hypocrite…..if the pinto can’t make it, rent a car….you cheap-ass…..

        We know the truth, you’re not a season ticket holder…..a few weeks ago proved it!


      11. Yes, victim and stalker. Jumped in when you weren’t replied to. Simple concepts elude you. Not shocked. LOL


      12. You fucking senile troll!!!!…. If you don’t want someone to comment on your stupidity then don’t post in the public domain….You try so hard at trying to convince me you’re not limited between the ears…..why?

        You’re such a simpleton, who suffers from cognitive regression


      13. #1 fan? Please copy & paste where I claimed that. When you can’t, for about the 5th or 6th time I’ll prove that you just make shit up.

        You proved I’m not a season ticket holder?! LMAO! No you didn’t, Dumbass. Quit mkaing shit up, the same way you do with politics.


      14. You senile dipshit, I was using sarcasm. Only a half-wit, like yourself, wouldn’t comprehend it within the context of the comment.

        Anyone who’s halfway alive would know what happened at the game to cause the delay….. So, you were either mentally out in left field, marinating in a solid diaper while at the game or you simply were not present….I know the answer….but lie anyway…. it comes easy to you!


  5. One more thing about that classic 1978 SC-ND game was when Keith Jackson introduced the starting Trojan offensive linemen he was amazed at their huge size with most of them being around 250 and one at 225. Little did Keith know what was to come when a 250-pounder today is too small for big-time offensive line play


    1. I’ve always thought that Justin Wilcox should just shave. But it occurs to me that he grew up in the PNW in the early 90’s and certainly would’ve been a fan of Kurt Cobain and Nirvana. OK I get it.


  6. UT in the Pac12 CCG if 4 things happen:
    today 25th Nov.
    1. Ucla defeats Cal – done Ucla 35 Cal 28
    tomorrow 26th Nov.
    2. OR @ OR St. – OR St. wins 12:30 pm ABC
    3. UT @ CO – UT wins 1:00 pm PACN
    4. WA @ WA St. – WA wins 7:30 pm ESPN
    Many poll watchers claim it’s better if USC faces UT again in the Pac12 CCG rather than OR.


    1. rusoviet comes through again by referring to a third party opinion that “Many poll watchers claim it’s better if USC facts UT again in the Pac12 CCG rather than OR,” with the apparent thinking being that against Utah SC can avenge its lone loss,
      except odds are SC will be playing Oregon for the Pac12 Title although an Oregon St upset would not be much of an upset


  7. USC is going to win because they are better than Notre Dame simple as that. If USC FALLS behind by 14 points they could come back and still win. On the other hand if Notre Dame falls behind by 14 points they cannot come back. Lincoln Riley knows what’s in front of them and he is not gonna let Notre Dame get in their way.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. That is a fine opinion Raul and we Trojans hope it comes home to roost
    But this Irish quarterback Drew Pyne is who worries me
    He is an effective enough passer and a good enough runner to inflict some damage
    And as the second option behind the ND usual running attack
    Pyne will have no pressure to win this game by himself
    Which makes me more worried about SC since the 2006 sucla elimination game


  9. Darn-it-all if this SC football obsession is not killing my business
    Thinking SC sports is so much more ‘easy on the mind’ than Actual thinking
    Lulling me into a trance exclaiming “There is Nothing Like SC-Football’
    (To be continued)


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