The USC Friday Column Supplement

USC running back Homer Williams at spring practice in 1965. He came to USC as a two-time All-American running back at Long Beach City College (1962-63) and was named Metropolitan Conference MVP in 1963.

Williams helped Long Beach City win the 1962 National Championship and rushed for 2,395 yards in his career. He also attended St. Anthony High School.

  • The remaining four Pac-12 schools have hired Oliver Luck, the father of Andrew Luck, as a consultant per John Canzano. The Pac-12 should have done that a year ago.
  • In the mid-1970’s, the Olympic Auditorium hosted “The Battle Royal” where 20 wrestlers went into the ring. The one who didn’t get thrown out of the ring won $30,000.
  • Imagine what a big deal it was to play at the Sports Arena in the L.A. City Section semifinals in 1964. Granada Hills is playing Taft. The guy on the far right is Larry Dierker, who was a pitcher and manager for the Houston Astros.
  • Looks like a lot of kids rode bikes to school at John Marshall High School in Los Angeles circa 1937.

They don’t make high schools like Marshall anymore. Seen below in 1939.

89 thoughts on “The USC Friday Column Supplement

      1. When I was a little kid, no one could convince me it was fake. I think it was broadcasted Friday nights on TV. I used to watch it with my Grandma, she got a kick out of it!

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      2. Maui Mike, I’ve been thinking about you over the last few days. I hope you and your family are doing well and have made it through the wildfires

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      3. You actually think Joe is mentally sound, so it’s no shock you thought wrestling was real. You’re incredibly gullible.


      4. and I also believed in Santa Claus!


      5. ….I showed Joe this video, and he laughed his ass off. you pathetic freak with the fake gabby stalking


      6. Just as she stupidly believed in pro wrestling, Cowardly Gabby aka TebowObama still believes in Senile Joe and Hunter Biden’s Regime/Crime Family. She’s so proud of his latest stunt to stonewall investigations of their many bribes….


      7. Thanks, Calabasas! I’m doing fine —which is more than I can say for about half of my neighbors. A great deal of suffering. Fortunately, everybody is coming together to help –the Aloha Spirit.
        Take care!

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    1. Figures you clowns would be into watching men rolling around grabbing each other…now that’s gay. Fuck that wrestling, never had any interest in that shit. Probably where drag queens get ideas about their wardrobe, from the wrestlers. They all look like a bunch of fruitcakes.


    1. Freddie was great in My Breakfast with Blassie —a clever, lowbrow Andy Kaufman takeoff on the highbrow My Dinner with Andre…

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  1. We need our history of the former PAC 8 to be honored all season long, so at least each team will show out. Motivation is the key to our success this season compete on every down like it’s your last. 2 weeks to go and dominate SJST.

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  2. Yeah, still obsessing over the ‘Lousy Maui Debacle’–
    Some were in the water for hours waiting out the adjacent fires– hypothermia no doubt set in despite 80-degree waters. No wonder some drowned

    The islands of Hawaii have the best siren-warning system in the world but Maui’s was not activated. However, it may not have mattered as one resident said the blaze went from 0 to 100 just like that (with the insertion of 80 mph winds)

    Some guys said they were running for hours and passing up slower residents, so you just know this death toll will climb, along with poor folks trapped in their homes with no place to hide. And even those whose homes were saved are warned not to take showers because all of the island’s water has been tainted.

    But as is true of our species, one burned-out home lady said, “Time to look forward” and start rebuilding

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    1. John — The firefighters here are phenomenal — both the pros and the volunteers. They are tireless and skilled and very brave. The government agencies are clueless. There is no plan for evacuation in the event of a volcano eruption, there are no shelters in place for a direct hurricane hit — in fact there isn’t one, single basement on the whole island. Everything is above ground. I thought we could check into the Ritz Hotel and use it’s basement in the event of a hurricane —but they only have ONE level of underground parking. When I asked one of the hotel managers what their plan was in the event of 150 mile an hour winds he said “we’d try to gather everybody in the conference rooms.” I asked if that’s because the conference room walls were fortified…and he said, “no, but we could hold hands and pray together.”
      I’m not kidding when I say I actually appreciated that sweet, Hawaiian answer.

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    1. It will ne interesting to see if there is a public outcry. It will cost billions to re-build —it would have cost less than a million to have cleaned up the dry brush where the fire started this year …AND in 2021.
      Property taxes are high —they are supposed to be used for things like dry brush removal —but they aren’t. Where does all the money go?

      Liked by 4 people

      1. There is never enough money, especially after The Pandemic ratcheting up all costs except salaries. The Maui ‘powers that be’ probably reasoned that a mil to clear the dry brush was low on the totem pole of necessities– “A fire would never reach our town”

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      2. I hear ya, John…
        …except there are fires here every summer —we just never had one helped along by hurricane winds before…. but that combo, in negligence terms, was “foreseeable”….and several government agencies were under a statutory “duty” to minimize the danger……

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  3. Mourning (continued)–
    My wife and I lost all of our material things in the great 1994
    L.A. earthquake except we had good jobs and hence recovered.
    But as you recounted jobs on an island are not so plentiful, and many of these poor souls lost jobs that will never return again. What are they to do, become ‘homeless beggars?’

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I don’t have the answer ….but let’s just say ‘things don’t look promising.”

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    2. One last thought —There is an enormous amount of arson and train derailments going on across the country…..3 non Hawaiians were arrested for arson here in 2021 for the major fire in Kihei…

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  4. I don’t know why it even costs a $million to get rid of dry vegetation. After the goats are done, you could use what’s left as a putting green.

    God bless you MG. And your neighbors.

    Liked by 5 people

      1. Ha!
        I’m still kickin after one yr and as grumpy as ever.

        PAC-4 fiasco didn’t help with my current mood. Fire all the bastards.
        Thanks for your thoughts Bourbon.

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  5. — Time to change the subject and return to ‘frivolous,’
    But that picture of the wrestlers vying for $30,000 in ’70s dollars
    is a strange one with what looks like 2 blonde women and a couple of guys lying flat on the canvas waiting to be catapulted out of the ring

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    1. It wouldn’t take much coaxing to get half of our blog pals in that ring…
      #[ItWouldBeBestThingEver —WithLotsOfHugsAfterItWasOver]…

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      1. I really wish they would all go into the ring and get all this bullshit over with. Get ALL the Gabbys, TBs, and other fakes. I would like to see GT as referee.

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      2. …whenever I boxed a guy in a close fight, we always hugged afterward …it was different when somebody [usually me] got their ass kicked…

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  6. MG, you hang in there, my God can we stop hating on the Biden Administration about the fire and how they aren’t doing much. Remember any thing that goes on the terms of help is coordinated between the local and state governments. Biden is on top of it, trust me this is a way for him to show how he handles devastations. Help must be sent Cali, Oregon Washington since that’s the closest to the island. My prayers are going out for everyone n Hawaii that has lost a family. God Bless You All! 13 days to Football.

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    1. As a Cali taxpayer, I would happily send the $billions that were wasted on the state’s high speed rail fiasco to Maui. Sadly, those $$$ have been burned up on the train that will never leave the station.

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      1. I said the exact same thing about the high speed rail last week and, of course, the Village Idiot cried…

        chickenshit gotroy22/ fake gabby
        AUGUST 4, 2023 AT 8:09 PM

        The US is way behind some developed countries when it comes to modern infrastructure, especially public transportation…..think before you speak

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    2. Couldn’t agree more. Our Senators need to prepare a detailed request for aid to Biden….Now.
      [So far they’ve sent a boilerplate letter asking for help— a “please & thank you” letter]……

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      1. Understood, 67…
        ….It would sure be nice if the 200 billion sent to Ukraine were available for the homeless in the United States….

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      2. I’d also happily send the $32 billion that California permitted in fraudulent unemployment claims during Covid. The current acting US secretary of labor was Ca’s labor commissioner in 2020, and now she can’t get confirmed by the senate because of the huge f-up in Ca. So Biden’s plan is to allow her to permanently occupy the office as “acting” secty of labor.

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    3. Even without today’s technological innovations and advancements in knowledge, building back Maui would have been accomplished in a fraction of the time 50 years ago than it will be today.

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      1. Trojan1967, there was no oversight on unemployment benefits. It was the Repubs who didn’t want oversight. All these programs were fraudulent. Just fill out information but don’t attach any documentation like fictitious business filing, LLC filing with Sect of State 1099 etc. It was set up for both sides Dems n Repubs to get $$$$ especially from Renter’s assistance program. I did 54 claims and the state doesn’t even need for tenants to show proof they paid the funds to the landlord especially if the check went to them . In Cali it took 4 months for them to set up a program so people could fill it out. Y? Because MAcCarthy Pelosi, Schiff could do all their properties first? We can go back in forth all day but at the end of the day. Everyone just looks out for themselves right?

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    4. Hey Michael!

      Sorry to come in so late. I’ve been in the Colorado Wilderness until Thursday. Offered up a prayer for you yesterday when I caught up with the story on Maui.

      Glad to hear that you are safe and sound on Maui.
      FIght On!

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  7. MG, agree in part, and disagree in part. Yes we need to do more for the homeless. Like building more housing in all open dense areas like off highway 138. Local governments waste too much money on homeless initiatives that only help 3-5%, of homeless population. Until they build mental illness housing only with a medical hospital right next to it, drug treatment housing as well. We must first look at the person’s mental, physical, and job readiness skills to make headway with this California homeless issues. Disagree with Ukraine situation we can’t sit back and let a modern day Hitler, Stalin go invade countries that are not run by a dictatorship govt. If you don’t understand my point you won’t ever understand not one person is above God!!! I drop my keys on this blog when I can we disagree with each other’s opinions but we must have respect, integrity and mature points.

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    1. We will never know, but my hunch is that if the US hadn’t telegraphed that we weren’t going to intervene prior to the invasion, then perhaps the invasion would never have taken place…

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      1. Putin invaded based on a lie from his Generals. Now they are praying that F-16 fighters aren’t given to Ukraine. Why? Long distance strike capabilities. Even to Moscow. Russia would have invaded during Trump’s presidency but that would have killed Trump and his chances for re-election. Well, he destroyed that anyways.


      1. Hate to cause trouble by “liking” Gabby (Original)’s post… but … there’s much truth in it…Biden knows he can use the powers of his office against political opponents …and so that’s exactly what he’s doing. Nancy understood that too. And, if Trump gets back in office, he’ll do the precise same thing…. we’re in a bit of a death spiral here…..

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      2. Biden Derangement Syndrome(BDS): Joe living rent free in your head

        “A driver’s car hits a sign because the driver sucks at turning*

        Slo pa-troll: “This must be Biden’s fault!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

        Spectator: “Damn son that is some extreme Biden Derangement Syndrome you got.”


  8. I know everyone is going to say, it’s our money our tax dollars. I know we pay too many taxes for car registration. But at the end of the day we are HUMAN beings who need HELP, MENTALLY, PHYSICALLY, N FINANCIALLY, no matter what your political party is. I’m done for the day back to writing, will see y’all later. REACT!!!

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    1. Just a thought, 7112 — maybe your tax dollars aren’t really making it back to the streets. Maybe these folks aren’t as honest as you are…or as you think they are…. maybe they never got into politics to do good…. maybe they’re grifters….

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      1. Trojan1967, agree now your right on with that point WOW a whole town is gone, let’s see how long it takes. MG my next vacation I will becoming to Hawaii buddy, never been there.

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      2. Yeah — Sad but true fact: It’s on the Ritzy Side of Town — so it —and all the big hotels and shops —gets top notch protection…..police & fire….


    1. Ha! Love it!
      [I “taught” a class at USC once when the professor was 10 minutes late for the first session— I know his last name musta been Woodman cuz I went to the blackboard and drew a piece of firewood and a man and told the class — “I’m Professor Woodman—- see, Wood plus Man.”
      When the real Woodman arrived everybody got real pissed at me & I had to drop the class —I think it was Comparative Religion].

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      1. Classic move MG.

        I had a dipshlt composition class in 71 taught by an authoritarian USMC lecturer. Disliked by the entire class. Rule at Cal was (etiquette) was you wait ten minutes for a lecturer, 15 minutes for an assoc prof, 20 minutes for a full professor.

        He’s late and I stand up and get ready to leave and convince the class we are OK to hit the road. Next class you could see the veins popping in his neck. Nobody gave me up.


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