Morning Buzz: Who Has A Refrigerator To Watch USC-Arizona?

No sign of George Kliavkoff at the Pac-12 Tournament on Wednesday.

Maybe he is at his vacation home in Montana.

  • I like USC playing a lunchtime game vs. Arizona today. I don’t like it being on the Pac-12 Network.

Maybe I will find someone who has a Samsung refrigerator.
  • Kennedy Smith, a forward at Etiwanda High School, has been selected Gatorade player of the year for California. She will attend USC next year.

34 thoughts on “Morning Buzz: Who Has A Refrigerator To Watch USC-Arizona?

  1. OMFG Wolf, get a streaming service that carries the Pac 12 Network for a free week and then cancel it, problem solved.

    Why would Kliavkoff give two shits about the conference now ?

    SC women gonna do some damage in the coming years, maybe Enfield can take notes.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Fuck it all. I had some deep thoughts at 4:30 am I wanted to share with my buddies —but I knew Gabby would kill me for posting at that hour…



      Liked by 1 person

      1. But does Cowardly Gabby aka TebowObama aka Charlie Bucket the Bruin Fan The Guy who posts as So Cal’s Wife & LawyerJohn & Pudly & Plow Horse & steveg49 & DOJ & Scott Wolf and Frank Young love MG like she loves Senie Joe Biden?

        MAY 27, 2023 AT 2:39 PM
        I actually love Joe Biden and would love for him to stick in big cock in my ass

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Don’t let that little bitch dictate when you can post! Very disappointed in you, Michael. But I suppose her psychotic posts when she was stalking you might get to anyone.

        We have so many mentally unstable people walking the streets these days. A shame no one in her life cares about her enough to suggest she get the help she so desperately needs. But it’s not a surprise. Guess they just stay away knowing she might go off on them, were they to make such a suggestion.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Grabbyy — Deep down I bet Gabby loves all of us ….but it’ll never be as much as he loves Joe & Jill….


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      4. it’s anyone but trump!!!!!! .. Joe has his issues, and there is no option B. He’s the only guy that can beat trump. So a vote for Biden, for me, is a vote against trump.

        Trump still doesn’t have a platform to address domestic issues. His whole campaign has been filled with lies and repeated talk of retaliation He killed a border bill that addressed the issues you MAGAts cry about. No bill will ever be perfect.


      5. Cowardly Gabby aka TebowObama aka Charlie Bucket the Bruin Fan The Guy who posts as So Cal’s Wife & LawyerJohn & Pudly & Plow Horse & steveg49 & DOJ & Scott Wolf and Frank Young loves open borders, World War III in the Middle East, 30% grocery prices and the death of the rule of law!


      6. Hey penis breath, write a letter to the CEOs of the grocery manufacturers and retailers voicing your grievances over the price on the shelf. Looks like the “rule of law” is as strong as ever, trump continues to run from it.




      7. Cowardly scott wolf aka grabbbyy aka gotroy22 aka  stmarseille14 aka fake Gabby aka TebowObama aka Charlie Bucket the Bruin Fan The Guy who posts as So Cal’s Wife & LawyerJohn & Pudly & Plow Horse & steveg49 & DOJ & Scott Wolf and Frank Young ,…….so Joe has a magic dial that he uses to crank up the price of groceries just to fuck with you MAGATs……you’re a fucking idiot….

        and Joe controls the prices of commodities, right!



      8. Cowardly Gabby aka TebowObama aka Charlie Bucket the Bruin Fan The Guy who posts as So Cal’s Wife & LawyerJohn & Pudly & Plow Horse & steveg49 & DOJ & Scott Wolf and Frank Young tells us Senile Joe gets the credit if prices go down but won’t take responsibility when they soar this month!

        What else would we expect from 2 consummate liars? You are just as senile as Joe is, continually lying that you want to fight when you shamefully admitted you are The Coward of the County:

        You admitted you will never show up for any fights back in July- remember?

        Plow Horse
        JULY 8, 2023 AT 11:35 PM
        Yesterday Gabby admitted that he had no intention of appearing for a boxing match. “Nobody fights over what is said on a blog.” He was incredulous that anyone should ask for an apology. (Posting fraudulently as steveg) In Gabby’s world, men are not the protectors and providers for their families. You can insult their wives, daughters, and mothers with impunity. He has has no code of honor and therefore believes that nobody else should live by one. Although he admits that he will not back up his words with a boxing match, he has now dishonesty posted at least 10 times the exact same response about how he showed up at the gym in Miami. Is this suppose to be amusing? Please stop ruining our blog with repetitive copy and paste posts.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Slo Cal said he has room for two in the outhouse, bring a nose plug. He is also a self-proclaimed cheap ass… So you have to bring your own booze


      1. Cowardly Gabby aka TebowObama aka Charlie Bucket the Bruin Fan The Guy who posts as So Cal’s Wife & LawyerJohn & Pudly & Plow Horse & steveg49 & DOJ & Scott Wolf and Frank Young told us her excuse for her insanity:The Heartbreak of AIDS Dememtia

        MAY 27, 2023 AT 7:43 PM
        I already have Aids from 1980’s too much cock in my ass


      2. I have a horse shit video cued up and really to go… Just give me another reason….. Final warning


      3. Cowardly Gabby aka TebowObama aka Charlie Bucket the Bruin Fan The Guy who posts as So Cal’s Wife & LawyerJohn & Pudly & Plow Horse & steveg49 & DOJ & Scott Wolf and Frank Young hates having her disgusting posts come back to haunt her like The Ghost of Christmas Past .

        MAY 27, 2023 AT 7:51 PM
        will you suck my cock i will pull out before the flavor changes.


      4. The best part, I left it in and you swallowed every drop….. Horse shit video on the way…. Wait for it 3 2 1


      5. You weren’t talking to me, Cowardly Gabby aka TebowObama aka Charlie Bucket the Bruin Fan The Guy who posts as So Cal’s Wife & LawyerJohn & Pudly & Plow Horse & steveg49 & DOJ & Scott Wolf and Frank Young


      6. 16 points….PATHETIC!!!!! Your basketball team fucking sucks… USC was getting slapped around like a pinata…. Same way I slap your ass around….


      7. “YOUR basketball team fucking sucks”- ??????? So you finally admit you are Charlie Bucket the Bruin Fan, Cowardly Gabby aka TebowObama aka Charlie Bucket the Bruin Fan The Guy who posts as So Cal’s Wife & LawyerJohn & Pudly & Plow Horse & steveg49 & DOJ & Scott Wolf and Frank Young


      8. “Waaaahhhh!!I’m going to throw another tantrum if you don’t stop picking on me!! Waaaahhh!”

        “I’m also going to be a typical Lib and blame someone else, even though I’m the sick mo fo who enjoys feces videos!! Waaaahhh!!”

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      9. Slo patroll: MG, can you tell gabby to stop picking on me. I can’t stop taking the bait and he’s making me look like a dumbass!

        It’s fucking hilarious how slo patroll keeps touching the hot stove but wants to blame his stupidity on me.

        I see why he has no friends or family…. FREAK!


      10. Cowardly Gabby aka TebowObama aka Charlie Bucket the Bruin Fan The Guy who posts as So Cal’s Wife & LawyerJohn & Pudly & Plow Horse & steveg49 & DOJ & Scott Wolf and Frank Young is as big a liar as her idol Senile Joe


      1. With every passing second —we’re seeing more of the team Scott envisioned ….


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    1. Yup! They’re smacking us around the way we all smack the Village Idiot around. (Only difference is, we won’t lie about it the way she does.)

      “This is the team we thought we’d have!”

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    2. Today’s game was USC’s version of the National Championship [in terms of getting some respect, anyway] —everything [well, most everything] would be forgiven if they could come up with the “W” when it counted ….in other words, they had everything to win and nothing to lose ….and they came in tight & cold…


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