Turn Out The Lights, The Nightmare’s Over

The college basketball hipsters have been pushing USC as a darkhorse to win the Pac-12 Tournament.

That came crashing down with a thud as Arizona defeated the Trojans, 70-49, in Las Vegas. I guess they forgot Wildcats coach Tommy Lloyd is undefeated in the Pac-12 Tournament (7-0).

USC shot 23 percent in the first half. Boogie Ellis missed nine of 11 shots for the game.

I guess this wasn’t the team people waited all season to see play, as Andy Enfield would say.

How many USC players played their final game? Ellis. Isaiah Collier. Bronny James? Who else?

32 thoughts on “Turn Out The Lights, The Nightmare’s Over

  1. Hey John, that’s too bad your dream of SC going 4 straight and winning the Pac 12 Tournament and making March Madness died this afternoon in Vegas.

    The good news is, you are  a college basketball hipster! 


      1. Such a bad day for Cowardly Gabby aka TebowObama aka Charlie Bucket the Bruin Fan The Guy who posts as So Cal’s Wife & LawyerJohn & Pudly & Plow Horse & steveg49 & DOJ & Scott Wolf and Frank Young , she gets annihilated here and her Dictator Senile Joe tells such a lie even the WaPo’s biased lib Glenn Kessler must admit it!


      2. Such a bad day for Cowardly scott wolf aka grabbbyy aka fake gabby aka TebowObama aka Charlie Bucket the Bruin Fan The Guy who posts as So Cal’s Wife & LawyerJohn & Pudly & Plow Horse & steveg49 & DOJ & Scott Wolf and Frank Young she gets annihilated here and her Dictator the orange cheeto tells such a lie even the biased MAGA Judge Cannon slapped him around like a pinata today…….EPIC BEAT DOWN!


      3. Dumbass making inaccurate comparisons again.

        A hot stove could hurt you. Calling out her lies, hypocrisy & stupidity doesn’t hurt me one bit. As Grabbyy said once, she wants to be able to talk all the shit she wants and not get it back. Truly the Village Idiot!

        Liked by 1 person

      4. The entire “hot stove” analogy flew right over your head. If I have to explain it to you, then you probably wouldn’t understand………DUMBASS!

        Once again, more comprehension issues…… must suck to be you


      5. No one is dumber than you, Cowardly Gabby aka TebowObama aka Charlie Bucket the Bruin Fan The Guy who posts as So Cal’s Wife & LawyerJohn & Pudly & Plow Horse & steveg49 & DOJ & Scott Wolf and Frank Young . You admitted you hate USC today!

        MARCH 14, 2024 AT 8:01 PM
        16 points….PATHETIC!!!!! Your basketball team fucking sucks… USC was getting slapped around like a pinata…. Same way I slap your ass around….

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Please listen to the post game conference:

    Enfield: This game was much closer than the score indicates —- we only [badly] lost the first half….. and, after that, the second half [just as badly]…..


    Liked by 1 person

    1. This fuckwad could have Jordan, Magic, Bird, Jabbar and Dr. J and lose.

      So only losing the second half by 9 is a win ?

      Please Jen Cohen, fire this useless fuck tonight, tomorrow at the latest.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. One LSU RB is looking at 2 attempted murder charges, have 30 or 40 more LSU players get jailed over the summer and SC might have a chance !

      Liked by 3 people

    1. Los Angeles left the PAC 12 in Style, Alv…..

      “If the path led you to this, what good was the path?”

         —–No Country For Old Men

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Remarkable motion picture…sole complaint was Anton Chagura ‘…moving on…’ but that is the usual dark end of Cormac McCarthy novels. One that was incredibly panned which I thought was stellar was ‘The Counselor’ again an ending that left the viewer wondering “huh?’

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Alv — don’t you think [since you’re gonna fucking die anyway] the answer to Chagura’s question oughta be “Yeah, it’s a fucked up path —- by the way, it’s the same one you’re on..”

        Liked by 2 people

      3. A movie critic asked the producers of Skyfall how Bond is gonna kill Javiar Bardem —since he seems indestructible in “No Country for Old Men” — the producer said “Well, this time he’s not up against a bunch of hicks —this time’s up against Commander James Bond.”

        Liked by 3 people

      4. MG, the two schools who secretly plotted the demise of the Pac 12 and the destruction of all the tradition in the name of TV dollars both stunk this year in football and men’s hoops.

        Liked by 2 people

  3. What a horendous performance. 16 pts. in the 1st half. They had 10 with 12 minutes left until halftime. Nobody shoots that terrible. Enfield must go! Same with the Asst. Coaches especially Mobley. ________________________________

    Liked by 1 person

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