Carol Folt Loses Close Associate

A bit of news today.

Felicia Washington, USC’s first senior vice president of human resources, is resigning to become the head of human resources at the University of Pennsylvania.

Why does it matter?

Washington is exteremly close to Carol Folt and followed her to USC from North Carolina. Her departure has led to speculation among administration watchers that it is a harbinger of things to come regarding Folt.

As usual, no one really knows. Never a dull moment as they say.

39 thoughts on “Carol Folt Loses Close Associate

      1. Exactly! Steveg cleverly weaved both his intense appreciation for medieval values and his equally powerful contempt for the Spanish Inquisition into that second post. If his aim was to surpass the first post in a way so dramatic as to obliterate it, he succeeded beyond his wildest dreams….


      1. What he knows is priveledged information, you should always be grateful when he speaks. Be still my child, it will all come to you eventually.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. So someone in Without-a-Folt’s entourage moves on; why is this a harbinger of things to come for Folt, people switch jobs everyday

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Just saw a good one said by past Israeli ‘boss’ Golda Meier– “We Jews have a secret weapon in our struggle with the Arabs– we have no place to go”

    Liked by 2 people

  3. With respect to the idea that Carol Folt would resign, retire or move on:

    Andy Dufresne [in letter to Red] “Remember Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.”

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yeah this guy is normal. Yeh Sparrow, does Dr. Carol still think we jumped the gun in saying this guy has a major personality disorder?

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I suspect she agrees: something is off about the Biden supporters…

        [Only the looniest of the looney bin are taking the ship down with Biden at this point]…..

        #CaseInPoint: KeithOlbermann:

        #”Associated Press Is…



  4. So I see this morning’s headline “Ukraine downs Russian bomber” and at first “applaud” feeling good about my “team” winning, and then I realize ‘what am I doing!’


  5. It just hit me, it’s either Bitin or Stump, Stump or Bitin in the White House- the ‘pickings are a bit thin most USAers would agree


    1. Read between the lines of the Washington Post and New York Times, educate yourself as to the real issues [especially the spending bills that are destroying the value of the dollar], support the local, state and federal candidates who best represent Constitutional government [free speech, free assembly, due process] and everything will turn out just fine…..

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Where was your outrage when trump gave the richest the biggest tax cut in history…..which led to a 2 trillion dollar drop in Federal Treasury revenue….you’re a fuc-ing dumba$$…..gabby needs to give you a good a$$ whipping……AND YOU STILL CAN’T GET YOUR COCONUT HEAD AROUND THE CONCEPT THAT A CONVICTION IS A CONVICTION UNLESS OVERTURNED ON APPEAL….


      2. who in the fuc forgets what year their house burned to the ground… one…because it never happened to this troll who posts as MG…..the guy has been caught in numerous lies related to his identity.


      3. MG is a limp-dic troll… life but a third-rate blog he trolls 24/7…….the guy has been reduced to a skid mark….


      4. (look in the mirror and repeat the following)

        …..more sad ravings…..



      5. it was a slang hash tag….what a fuc-ing idiot

        there you have it folks the dumbest troll on the internet….embarrassing

        you take the bait EVERY TIME!


    1. Ironic you should mention Winston, Joel…

      6/15/24 Statement of Winston Crisp: “Although I have not taken [or been offered] a position in any other university [or institution of any kind] and have no knowledge of where my next meal will come from, I am today announcing my resignation, effective yesterday.”




  6. Wow Michael I had not heard that. Winston was on the verge of retirement in Chapel Hill before Carol came a calling for him to pack up for the West Coast. Not buying that he is concerned about his next paycheck. It sounds like there is something up here.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Winston’s statement was accompanied by a suicide note…fortunately L.A.P.D. was contacted & intervened just in time…




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