USC Sunday Buzz: Trojan Reunion

A group of former USC players gathered in Long Beach last night at Trani’s restaurant.

Among those in attendance were Jeff Bregel, Dave Brown, Brad Budde, Roy Foster, Allan Graf, Derek Graf, Craig Gibson, Brad Leggett, Dean Lingenfelter, Pat Harlow, Kris O’Dowd, Jacob Rogers and Zach Wilson.

8 thoughts on “USC Sunday Buzz: Trojan Reunion

  1. Maybe there’s a way to sneak these guys back on the field this year (the old Kiffin ‘jersey switch’ routine)…..

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I was there… unlike you broke poor people, I didn’t have to sneak in… I had their Veal Chop Parmesan and washed it down with a their Merlot! Is was so choice. If you have the means, I highly recommend it! Too bad most of you only can afford a plate of spaghetti at “Rocko’s Chepo Italian restaurant”! 😒

      Of course I picked up the tab for everyone!

      Lynn Swann wanted to come but I said NO!

      #doyouknowhowricjiam??!! #doyouknowhowconnectediam??!!


    1. Very funny. [But there actually is room for optimism. Remember the HUGE difference talented Deland McCullough made as our running backs coach and running game coordinator? And how much the running game suffered when Drevno took it over? Well, Graham Harrell will make that kind of a difference in our pass attack}……

      Liked by 3 people

      1. P. S.
        Yes, I know that Drevno has given up his role as running backs coach —but we didn’t get the upgrade we needed at that coaching position…

        Liked by 3 people

  2. A group of former USC players needs to gather in Carol Folts office and inquire about what the fuck is going on in the Trojan athletic dept. and ask who is giving Lynn Swann and the other idiot Steve Lopes the authority to terminate Trojan tradition while at the same time making crap decisions that are adversely affecting the football program.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. T- O, until President Folts commands a mandate majority within the BOT and excises that virulent cancer, Nicky Squid, from any and all USC participation on or off-campus, there is no hope that USC will attain its former equilibrium.


  3. LMFAO! @Michael Guarino already making excuses for J.T. Daniels, giving him a free pass for stinking it up this coming season and the Trojans haven’t even played their scrimmage game.

    MG is blaming what he considers a terrible Trojan offensive line and no Trojan running game and or players to speak of (his belief) as to why J.T. Daniels will suck again this coming season.

    MG is convinced that J.T. Daniels putting up 89 yards pasing against Utah and the 177 yards passing against Oregon St. are a sure sign J.T. Daniels is a superstar in the making.

    LOL! Oh my side hurts from laughing so much…Gawd Damn!


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