USC Morning Buzz: Winners And Losers Of Week


Single players wearing single digits

You know the roster is depleted when only one Trojan is currently wearing Nos. 7, 8 and 9.

Drake London

Cardinals, Chargers, Chiefs, Colts, Commanders, Eagles, 49ers, Jets, Lions, Panthers, Texans and Titans attended his Pro Day.

Davonte Burnett

USC sprinter ran 100 meters in 9.99 seconds at Mt. SAC Relays, the fastest time in NCAA this season.

USC women’s sports

Trojans beat UCLA in women’s tennis, beach volleyball and women’s water polo last weekend.

Brian Haas

The former USC linebacker (1992-95) was hired as an assistant coach at San Clemente High School.


Andy Enfield

Ethan Anderson and Max Agbonkpolo actually showed up for the basketball banquet and he still chose to give Kobe Johnson an award over them despite the freshman playing seven minutes per game.

Jason Gill

The Trojans are in last place in the Pac-12 baseball standings (4-11 record) in Year 3 under Gill. Where’s the turnaround?

USC athletic dept.

Does it really need to charge $25 parking for the spring game at the Coliseum?

Recruiting ploys

I don’t know what is worse: The fake offers or endless photos of recruits in school uniforms these days.

27 thoughts on “USC Morning Buzz: Winners And Losers Of Week

      1. Thank you. Thank you Ok. When I was courting my wife I told her—- You know honey I’m Father Time. Santa Claus And theEaster Bunny all rolled into one. She said Yeah??? Pretty big package aren’t you ????

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  1. Jason Gill should be fired at the end of the season, because literally nobody on the team likes him. It was a bad hire in the first place, and I doubt if a National search was even conducted under that lazy athletic administration.

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    1. Gill needs to go now. He is absolutely the worst in using the bullpen.
      Definitely a bad hire with no national search involved. Even Chad Kreuter was a better choice than this garbage of a head coach and pitching coach.

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  2. Hey Michael. Maybe wifey is upset about yesterday ?? Maybe next year you could buy her an Easter bonnet ?? Maybe even put some frills upon it ?? Maybe you could even write a sonnet ?? About her Easter bonnet?? Tell her she’ll be the prettiest in the Maui parade !!!

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    1. Per what turned out to be [probably for the 2nd or 3rd time in his entire life] good advise from Cal75 I made things right late yesterday —everybody’s friends again. It turned out it was easier than I thought —now, my only problem is having to actually see the in-laws on 4th of July.

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      2. George — can you believe Cal75 was right about something? He actually has a fairly developed moral sense. Who knew? I’m gonna have to pay more attention to what he posts….


  3. If Mike Bohn can pay a USC women’s basketball coach 1 million bucks a year he can certainly hire one of the top baseball coaches in America! Gill was a bad hire he did nothing at Loyola his previous stop. USC baseball has probably the richest tradition in college baseball no way Oregon, Oregon St, Cal, Stanford, Arizona, Arizona St, Washington, Washington St, and even Utah should have better baseball programs.

    USC women’s basketball will never return to the few years of glory they have had in the past the program is too far behind the other programs in the Pac 12 after falling asleep for so many years. Coach Gottlieb, is not the answer her goal is to return to professional basketball so it is obvious her heart is not up to the challenge. Unfortunately, USC is stuck with her now as she delivers a new baby on that big USC salary which is way above many of the other women’s coaches in the Pac 12. Recruiting sucks, many players are transferring so Bohn made his second big error with the hiring of Gottlieb, and the other was not firing Helton before his last year rather than after.

    Gill, the current baseball coach needs to go at the completion of this season. George Horton, the former Oregon, and CS Fullerton coach is available if USC pays a competitive salary. Limited scholarships are not the reason the program has fallen in recent years. The real reason is USC went cheap with hiring head coaches which is the key ingredient in college baseball. . Horton, or one of the top coaches in the country can turn this program around immediately. USC baseball deserves one of the best coaches in America go get him Mike Bohn.

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    1. Where is Rod Dedeaux when you really need him ?? He was by far the greatest college baseball coach in the history of the universe. I went to his funeral at the Cathedral. He is really really the greatest ever by far !!!!!!!

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  4. Winners – Every player on USC football team. Listen to these guys during their media interviews. It is as if they have been released from prison.

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    1. Perfect, 67. That’s just the right way of describing it. Again, how dense could Bohn be not to see the players were scared of Multi-Personality Helton —they knew the “God & Family” coach was capable of savagely playing the “favorites” game. They knew it but Bohn didn’t?! What an unforgiveable oversight by an A. D. Every single USC football player was hurt, professionally & financially, by what didn’t have to happen for the last TWO years.

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    2. Colin Cowturd has always said the best defensive players have usually been guys who are a little off. As long as they stay out of trouble off the field and don’t get called for stupid stuff after the play is blown dead, I’m fine with it.

      But dead ball fouls should result in being benched for the remainder of the half. Or the next half, if it occurs in the final 2 minutes of a half!

      We’ve had zero discipline the last several years and I, for one, am tired of it.

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      1. Me too brother Really tired of our lack of discipline. Sometimes it’s so bad it’s hard to watch for old Trojan fans like me.

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    3. 67. That’s what gives me a lot of hope for our upcoming season. I lost some interest for awhile because of Helton and the fact that they wouldn’t get rid of him. That’s really why i was away from the board. That’s the sad truth bro. With Riley here I’m excited and happy again. He may need a couple of years but I know now we are going in the right direction and I can bark again !!!

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  5. Charging only $25 for parking on Prime Real Estate in L.A. is a bargain, but how do they get from the Prime Real Estate to the coliseum?
    Don’t mind me I’m in a mood. :/

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  6. They can’t fire Gottlieb while she’s pregnant, it would leave USC open for a lawsuit. They’ll have to wait another year, because I guarantee she’s going to fail. Athletic directors need to have the ability to identify a top up and coming assistant coach, or hire a successful lower level head coach from a top program .

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  7. Jerry West you are very correct. Big mistake hiring Gottlieb she never won anything at Cal, and it means nothing that she was an assistant last in command at the Cleveland Cavaliers. There are much better coaches out there even some from the leading programs that would have come to USC for that type of salary. She is a good person, but does not have what it takes to rebuild the USC Women’s basketball program, and it is a terrible sign that we have few recruits coming in, and many are transferring out. Must be nice to get paid big time while having another child you can tell her only committment is to herself while the program continues to spiral downward. I see her leaving for an assistant job in the WNBA in 1 more year.

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  8. We should never pay one million dollars or even a third of that amount on a women’s basketball coach. Women’s basketball is of little interest to the average fan. It does not generate a profit. You could give the tickets away and people would still not attend, kind of like a UCLA football game. Folt authorized that ridiculous salary because she wanted to promote gender equity in sports. Think about this waste of money the next time USC hits you up for a donation.

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  9. Plow Horse- Agreed. Women’s basketball just does not and will never generate enough revenue to support Gottlieb’s million dollar salary. Gottlieb did not make half that as a bottom tier NBA assistant, and probably in the 200,000 range as the head coach at Cal.

    Good for her to receive a terrific pay raise, and then go on maternity leave with a new child. You can tell her head space on twitter is first with her family, and with her old job with the Cleveland Cavs.

    Very poor decision by Bohn and Folt once again. Time to cut ties after next season. Half of that money she earns could be put into rebuilding the baseball program to get it back to the top like the football program. USC women’s basketball can hire a top tier coach for half the money Gottlieb is making. Women’s basketball at SC fell asleep for twenty years while the other programs within the conference grew at a very fast pace so it might be too late to become competitive, and I think Gottlieb would admit taking the job was a mistake, and nearly an impossible task to rebuild the program. You can’t blame Gottlieb for accepting such a rediculous offer, but you can blame Folt and Bohn for making such a rediculous top of the market offer to her. Dumber than dumb move Mr. Bohn.


    1. You’re right Charles. Knowledgeable fans know it will probably take him three years or so. Maybe more. To compete with the likes ofAlabama or Georgia. Meanwhile we’ll be happy starting this year to see improvement in discipline teamwork sportsmanship. Etc. no more celebrating individual plays when your team is losing badly and on and on. In the meantime I have hope we can compete and win in a very poor conference. Overall I’m excited and ready to roll. Fight on !!

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      1. “no more celebrating individual plays when your team is losing badly”

        That really steams me when they pull that sh_t!


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