The Boy Wonder On The Move?

Brandon Sosna, who was Mini-Me to Mike Bohn before going to the Detroit Lions, is close to getting a high-ranking front office role with the Washington Commanders, according to Mike Garofalo of the NFL Network.

I hope Sosna gets the job because he has been MIA in Detroit. Maybe he will deal with the media in Washington and might actually admit what he knows about the stormy parts of the Mike Bohn Era at USC that led to Bohn’s dismissal.

Somehow, I think it’s going to be a long time before Sosna ever discusses Bohn in public even though he was attached to Bohn’s hip for years. He hasn’t even leaked anything to his favorite L.A. media since he departed.

14 thoughts on “The Boy Wonder On The Move?

    1. Yeah, who would attempt to do that, except maybe a slimeball such as Cohen. It made the Trump haters jizz all over their laptops, including one loser on this blog.

      She actually believed the known perjurers lies and then the next day, Costello confirmed it. He was as close to everything as possible and said Cohen was full of shit. (Anyone with a functioning brain knew that! That’s why our buddy DIDN’T. LMAO)


      1. So Cal — I sure hope the defense is smart enough to just rest after Cohen is through….


        [It’s not just a matter of bookkeeping —the charge is “on or about March 16th with intent to defraud and intent to COMMIT ANOTHER CRIME and conceal the commission thereof, the defendant made a false entry in the business records of an enterprise, to wit an invoice from Michael Cohen” —- the prosecution didn’t even specify THE OTHER Crime….let alone prove it]…



      2. Michael: In a normal case, with a normal prosecution, judge, and jury, I would agree with you and not put on any witnesses. The prosecution has not established the elements of any crime. But this whole case is a sham and I don’t trust the system. I would call Costello and Brad Smith, the expert on election law. Although the prosecution suppose to have the burden of proof to show guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, that is not true in this NY case. The defense needs to blow them out of the water and they have the means to do it. And when they do, perhaps some more independent minded Americans will wake up to the Biden administrations concerted attack on our civil liberties. An acquittal will help Trump’s election campaign since the prosecution was all orchestrated by Biden.

        Liked by 3 people

      3. Here’s my take, Plow Horse — the defense isn’t in a perfect position at this point…but… they have the upper hand. If Costello gets on the stand he’s gonna get caught in a bunch of inconsistencies and the last thing the jury will hear, instead of Cohen’s shit show, will be Costello’s shit show.

        As far as calling election law experts, Merchan will limit the living fuck outta what they’re allowed to say —the jury won’t be allowed to hear their testimony on any “ultimate issue” ….and Merchan will rule every defense question calls for testimony on “an ultimate issue.”

        A great Judge, Everett Porter, told me a long time ago —“no matter what you thought you are gonna do or planned to do, if you reach a point where you’ve got the case in hand….REST.”

        Liked by 1 person

      4. P. S.

        Bragg’s complaint is vague [“Intent to commit Some Other Crime?!} and, therefore, doesn’t provide notice to the defendant as to the elements he has to defend against. Trump’s team shouldn’t have pled him Not Guilty [what in the fuck was he pleading Not Guilty to?! If Bragg doesn’t know how can Trump?]….they should have demurred. Merchan would have overruled the demurrer and the defense could be in appellate court right now.


      5. MG: Agreed they should have demurred. No excuse for this failure and he seems to have some competent lawyers. I am being cynical here but I recall that after I once got a case dismissed on demurrer on a statute of limitations issue the supervising partner pulled me aside and said that I should have conducted some discovery first, taken some depositions, ect. before filing the motion because “the longer the case goes on the more we get paid.”

        Liked by 1 person

      6. Plow Horse — A very BIG name attorney in Los Angeles once told me “Even though I should, I’d be crazy to demur on this thing —- I’d even be nuts to make a motion for summary judgement down the road — I want this thing to penetrate the system as far as it can go.”




  1. Good for Sosna to stay loyal to the man who gave him a chance

    OT –

    5 NHL teams have yet to play for the Stanley Cup (not win just play in the final)
    COL Blue Jackets, MN Wild, SEA Kraken, (ATL) WIN Jets & PHX/SLC Coyotes

    4 NFL have never played in the SB
    DET Lions, HOU Texans, CLE Browns and JAC Jaguars

    5 NBA teams have yet to play in the Final:
    LA Clippers, MN Timberwolves, MEM Grizzlies, CHAR Hornets, and NOLA Pelicans

    1 MLB has yet to play in a WS – SEA Mariners

    Let’s go MN!

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