USC Morning Buzz: Will This Group Live Up To Hype?

Let’s take another look at a USC unit, the wide receivers.

There is a some promise and some question. The coaching staff creates doubt by still wanting another receiver in the transfer portal. Recent additions were Jay Fair (Auburn) and Kyle Ford (UCLA).

The keys are Zacariah Branch and Ja’Kobi Lane. If they live up to expectations, USC should be fine. If not, then life in the Big 10 will be more difficult.

WR/Zacariah Branch/So./Jaden Richardson, Sr.

WR/Ja’Kobi Lane/So./Makai Lemon, So.

WR/Duce Robinson, So./Kyron Hudson/Jr.

USC baseball defeated Utah, 7-6, in its first round game of the Pac-12 Tournament. The Trojans have won seven straight games.

  • No. 4-seed USC lost to No. 1-seed Stanford, 3-1-1, in the Final Four of the NCAA women’s golf championships.

35 thoughts on “USC Morning Buzz: Will This Group Live Up To Hype?

  1. If the OL can’t block for the QB, then he won’t have time to get the ball to the WR’s and if the OL does block for the QB but they aren’t good enough to get the ball to the WR’s, then it’s all a mute point as to how good the WR’s are.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The O-Line will hold off the rush just long enough for Moss to get the ball to guys 10 and 15 yards out. Defenses will respond accordingly [and move WAY up]. This isn’t gonna be a big play offense. In fact, it’s not gonna look like any Riley offense of the past. Somebody smartly observed that Riley is going forward without a Heisman candidate for the first time. The hope is our offense will be efficient enough to eke out victories if the defense lives up to it’s billings.




  2. Scooter,

    the only thing that matters is the oline and dline. If the oline blocks, then the qb will fine as well as the receivers. Then you will write how great they are.

    Thank you for writing about Steve Grady. He is the only CIF player and CIF coach of the year. He was an assistant when I was at Loyola. He played for SC and then the Denver Broncos. He is a good guy and I had him for driver’s ed.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I had a Football Coach for Driver’s Ed too, P. T.

      [He told me once “I’d probably lose my job but I’d love to deck you”]…..



  3. “Hey wide receiver group, listen up, we don’t think you guys are all good enough so we are looking at the Portal for help”


      1. btw, Biden referred to NAACP as the “&%!X” in speech the other day. White House staff said the & was really an N, the % was really an A, the ! was really another A, and The X was actually a C. They also stated that, due to personal problems, the prez doesn’t like to use the letter P in a sentence …cuz… he thinks it might draw attention to his crotch area ….which virtually always has a freshly wet look.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I write the exact same thing and the blog crybaby would have thrown ANOTHER tantrum! It’s hilarious (and pathetic) how desperate she is for your approval. Couldn’t be more obvious. (She’ll lie and make excuses about it, as usual.)

        Here’s the rest of his gaffes from one short speech THAT HE WAS READING! LMAO! “81M” were stupid enough to vote for this!! Oh that’s right! It’s just a stuttering problem.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I write the exact same thing about trump and the blog dunce would have thrown ANOTHER tantrum! It’s hilarious (and pathetic) how desperate the freak is for MG’s approval. Couldn’t be more obvious. (the freak will lie and make excuses about it, as usual.)


    1. I don’t have a problem with Joe asking “irrectionists” not to bother Jill when she’s putting on a luncheon….. or when he’s chastising landlords for trying to keep rents down….. or thinking he saved millions of families $800,000 apiece in insurance premiums last year….but I can’t forgive him for thinking he was receiving an award from the NAAC….

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Biden pandered to black males the entire speech. He claimed that America is systematically racist. That black Americans are arrested and jailed more often because the criminal justice system is racist. That the playing field is not level and blacks have to work 10 times harder than whites, ect. He again claimed he was a civil rights activist, a lie. Biden was opposed to busing and sponsored the 1994 law that disproportionately penalized crack possession over cocaine possession.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Plow — Biden is through unless they force feed him lots of meth 20 minutes prior to start of debate —- but if they pump too much into his veins he might transform into that whirling dervish, milk spewing humanoid in the Alien who tries to strangle Ripley with a newspaper….






      4. MG: I think Biden may explode in the debate and perhaps this is how the Democrats get rid of him. The question is who replaces him on the ticket. Kamala is less popular than Joe and the Blacks will abandon the party if Kamala is not the choice.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Like the great character actors of the ’30’s, over his many years on Inside USC Gabby has accepted many difficult “roles” —comedian, terrorist, strategist, post snap expert—- but his toughest role ever is gonna be playing Joe Biden’s clean-up man after the debate….



      6. ..but….he may spew something else too…. it’s not inconceivable Joe will look into the camera at the 55 minute mark and say “I go ca-ca”…..



      7. Well, yeah, Joe will spew a bunch of lies, too. That’s a given.

        It’s so disgusting the way Merchan is doing all he can to arrive at a guilty verdict, so Joe can use it over & over again during the next 5 months. They know Joe can’t beat him on a level playing field, so they’ve got to do everything they can to rig it again. No real American would find any satisfaction in this.

        Liked by 1 person

      8. Well, yeah, the orange cheeto will spew a bunch of lies, too. That’s a given.

        It’s so disgusting the way Aileen Cannon is doing all she can by continuing to kick the can down the road, so trump can use it over & over again during the next 5 months. They know trump can’t beat him on a level playing field, so they’ve got to do everything they can to rig it again. No real American would find any satisfaction in this.


  4. Just saw a picture of Tyler Baron that SC just lost out on but maybe it’s a good thing because that guy looked too scary even for football


  5. Wiley must be running scared, although he talks ‘early retirement’ he wants to get another 10 years out of the profession and he suddenly is in a potential barrel of trouble. But his ‘ace’ has always been offense, so any team he puts out there will score, and SC now apparently has good defensive coaches but working with mediocre talent


  6. Some guy on another sports blog wrote that SC was the most hated football school in the nation, bar none. Maybe back in the Carrot days but except for 2016 and 2022 SC football has usually not been worthy of much discussion

    Liked by 1 person

  7. FUCK TRUMP…….. Melania is getting custom-tailored orange jumpsuits made with the zipper in the rear…..big Bubba asked for easy access….ouch!


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