USC Can Play In A Full Stadium

Since Mike Bohn and Co. like to listen to new ideas, here’s my proposal for this fall at the Coliseum.

The German soccer team, Borussia Mönchengladbach, found a creative way to make its stadium look better for Saturday’s game against Bayer Leverkusen.

The 54,000-seat stadium had about 12,000-cardboard cutouts of actual fans, who paid $20.60 for their likeness at the games.

So it makes the stadium look full and it makes some money for USC, isn’t that a great idea? And I know plenty of Cardinal and Gold fans who make about as much noise as those cardboard cut outs at game. Even some Leverkusen fans bought cutouts for Saturday’s game.


7 thoughts on “USC Can Play In A Full Stadium

  1. It all depends on whether m cut out had to pay $15 for a 16oz bottle of Diet Coke during the game. Or will it have to stand in line at the metal detector? Will the band sit in the stands and play six feet apart while geek students run RC cars with cut out band members for halftime? I can hardly wait to see the countermarch routine done this way.

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    1. That’s exactly the first thing I thought off, also, Arturo. Why weren’t all the progressive green-earth retards up in arms about all of the trees it took to make the pulp for those idiotic cardboard cut-outs? The sheep have lost their minds.


  2. It’s not the faces/bodies in the stands, but their vocal reactions to the plays that makes live games a thrill. How do you create that? You can’t.

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    1. USC has been piping noise over the pa system when the opposing teams has the ball on 3rd downs for years now to signal the fans to yell so they can just do it on every down now with the cardboard cutouts to simulate the game atmosphere.

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