Maybe The Alabama Game Won’t Have Much Of A Crowd

It looked like the USC-Alabama game would have at least a half-full stadium under the latest guidelines from the state of Texas.

But Texas had its highest-reported daily figure of cases (5,551) yesterday and the governor has put a “pause” on any further re-opening of the economy.

Unless things change, this doesn’t bode well for a fuller stadium vs. Alabama.

  • USA Today reports the Dodgers are looking at using USC’s Dedeaux Field as an alternate training site this year.

132 thoughts on “Maybe The Alabama Game Won’t Have Much Of A Crowd

  1. Let me see, it’s been two weeks since the start of the protests/rioting/looting and people are surprised that there’s a spike in the Covid-19 results. Couldn’t have anything to do with the looting. Nah, they were all staying 6+ ft apart. Hahahahaha

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Whether stadium is half full, empty, whatever, I’d love to see the Trojan O-line knock the ‘Bama D-line onto their heels. IF that happens, this game is winnable.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. This offense isn’t designed to “knock the ‘Bama D-line on their heels.” What are you talking about and what team do you follow? Maybe you should stick to…nevermind.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Wishful Thinking.
        Unless the Alabama is depleted and Quarantined by the virus., USC has zero chance to win..
        For the players sake, I hope they finally get coached up and prepared to play.
        Maybe having some live contact in practice.. They might have a respectable showing.
        But now, I’ve having some wishful thinking… As long as Helton’s in charge, USC is at a disadvantage,

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Btw , I’m willing to bend over for all Trump supporters, but you have to wear a condom, or pull out when I tell you to. 😘


    2. Pudly shows his ignorance again. Infections among protesters is low–likely because almost all of them wear masks. Hmmm, wearing masks can prevent the spread of coronavirus? Shocking. Maybe people in southern California and the red states should take note.


      1. I guess if wearing masks around your neck counts…fool.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. No, it makes more sense to just pretend it’s all a hoax and we elected the right leader. Thanks for your help, but we’ll just continue to fade ignorantly into obselescence and maybe take the country with us.


      3. Yes your leader needs to claim 120 million Americans have died from the Red Chinese Flu . Senile Joe is a real Man of Science.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. It’s hard to believe these old bastards are even falling for this “Democratic hoax that is just more fake news designed to bring down a president.” Given the fact that they’re also always pining away for the good old days, you wonder why they aren’t all out at a square dance bobbing for apples and shit. They should just grab Marge and Harriet and go pin the tail on a donkey or something.


      5. It;s hard to believe you old bastards from the 1980s fell for the Russian Collusion Conpsiracy Hoax and the Jussie Smollett Hoax and the Bubba Wallace Hoax.

        Liked by 2 people

      6. What’s unimaginable is that these liberals won’t even report on the shootings and other racial conflicts taking place in the “People’s Republic of CHOP”. 4 shootings since Saturday and the main target?? Men of Color.

        How can this be?

        Liked by 2 people

      7. “ Maybe people in southern California and the red states should take note.”

        Pudly you’re making my point for me. Last I checked LA was in Southern California.

        And I said “almost” all protesters. You can cherry-pick photos of unmasked protesters all you like.

        And goTroy22: you really need to stop fixating on pedophiles so much.


      8. You need to stop fixating on supporting a pedophile named Pervert Joe Biden so much you ignorant libtard hypocrite.


      9. Ignorant Oaktown actually thinks wearing the mask like Joe Biden does prevents the spread of the Red Chinese Flu.


      10. You better stick to something you know about, like… oh well.

        “Math: Median time from exposure to symptoms (if you get them) is 5-6 days. Median time from symptoms to hospitalization is 7 days. Point is, hospitalizations should start to increase ~12 days from a super spreader event. Well, that is exactly when cases started to spike in Austin. The graph of the the “Texas reopening” orders is shown against the Austin MSA hospitalization graph. No effect, until exactly 12 days after the first big demonstration.”


    3. Pudly, I’m sorry to find out you’re this ignorant…wow.

      “Riot is the language of the voiceless.”

      -Martin Luther King Jr.


      1. Time to Fact Check the Lying Blowhard:

        The full quote, in context (emphasis added):

        Now I wanted to say something about the fact that we have lived over these last two or three summers with agony and we have seen our cities going up in flames.

        And I would be the first to say that I am still committed to militant, powerful, massive, non-violence as the most potent weapon in grappling with the problem from a direct action point of view.

        I’m absolutely convinced that a riot merely intensifies the fears of the white community while relieving the guilt. And I feel that we must always work with an effective, powerful weapon and method that brings about tangible results.

        But it is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning the contingent, intolerable conditions that exist in our society.

        These conditions are the things that cause individuals to feel that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get attention. And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard.

        And what is it America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the plight of the negro poor has worsened over the last twelve or fifteen years.

        It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met.

        And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice and humanity.

        -Martin Luther King
        March 1968


      2. Everybody knows that Jack-Pudly76, is a attention seeking, Ignorant , lonely Mutha Fucker 😂😂. Ain’t that right, Pops ?


    4. Dumbass, the 8800 IS riot too. I’m really trying, but your ignorance is REALLY getting harder and harder to excuse. Why don’t you try working on it for a change instead of spending all day in here and on twitter?


      1. Yeah MY ignorance that ingnores the kindergarten to prison pipeline that’s been established under the clintonistas and obamaists….you duck all the real issues. Call me some more names, that’ll get you a better world.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Are you saying that Presidents Clinton and Obama are the reasons for the State of Black America? That’s blatant and obvious ignorance of history. That’s one of your “real issue”? Dude, turn off the right wight voices in your head because they are leading you to idiocy.


      3. You’re talking about 16 yrs of presidential reforms and where did it get the educational level of blacks living in this country? In jail. You sure like to blame trump and he’s only been in office for 3.5 yrs vs their 16. Yeah they get the recent credit. They get the greater culpability of towns like Flint and Detroit too. Oh, and the 8800 too.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. America is 400 years old and you think it was built in 2 intermittent administrations? That’s stupid, Pudly. There’s no way you actually believe that. No way. I understand you have to say SOMETHING in front of your friends, but you can do better than that…right?


      5. No I think you’re disingenuous blaming the republicans when clearly almost every area of racial discord has been governed primarily by dems reaching back to the antebellum days…

        I wonder how obama woulda done if he relied on the DNC and clintons for support rather than Oprah? Now that’s funny.

        Liked by 1 person

      6. You never saw me blame Republicans for any such thing. Stop trying to have the same argument you’ve probably been having for the last 40 years…that’s NOT the argument I’m making. This is all you guys do, you just run to the safety of your talking points. Don’t you understand that the people who made them for you made them for you to feel and not really think about? They don’t make sense because the underlying premise doesn’t make sense.


      7. When you take the time to answer ANY ONE of these points, any one, then we have a discussion about direction. But until you come to grips with the picture you present in these discussions, it’s all about whose got the best idioms…you can’t dictate my vote any more than anybody else. You can’t tell me what’s important in my life, just like I don’t tell you what’s important in yours.

        Liked by 2 people

      8. What point have you made?? NO, PRESIDENTS OBAMA AND CLINTON ARE NOT THE REASON FOR THE STATE OF BLACK AMERICA. You’re holding 2 presidents responsible for the state of America? what kind of point is that?


      9. The same point you make trying to hold President Trump responsible after 3.5 yrs. Maybe THAT was my point. And you call me dense. SMDH

        Liked by 2 people

      10. Dude, all I have to do is look at Trump!! What the hell are you looking at?? The guy is a complete and utter disaster!! Are you going to be last to see it?? How do you publicly defend such an immoral and inept person??


      11. Duuuuude your 8 years of Obama-Biden were a disaster of race baiting and setting back relations to pre- Jackie Robinson.

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      12. At least he won’t lie to us and steal from us, Pudly. Damn. What is it for you? Is it the green and red arrows, black and white skin…what colors have you so blinded? Whatever it is, like I said: Wake the fuck up.


      13. Says the guy who couldn’t give a shit as long as it’s not Trump. Yeah that’s a very discerning vote you’ve got…

        Liked by 1 person

      14. Did you really just say you let your dog choose your candidates and then criticize me for my discernment?? AND you’re a staunch Donald J. Trump supporter?? Ah…I’m officially sticking the proverbial fork in you sir, as you are CLEARLY done.

        On behalf of my Mexican brothers, let me show you how to say something in Spanish and mean it: Adios pinche pendejo.


      15. You libtards had 8 years of JFK/LBJ, 4 years of Carter, 8 years of BJ Clinton and 8 years of Obama to improve the lives of black Americans are you made them worse!

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      16. Like all libs, Clay Russell thinks “having a conversation” = him giving us a 50,000 word lecture on how evil America is.

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      17. Without a real answer. His solution for everything has been…”throw a democrat at it”.
        Still never answered why those liberal leftists in seattle are having their own racial issues….prolly trumps fault

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      18. Your Messiah promised he would even lower the rising sea levels yet he couldn’t have any impact on his fellow blacks?

        DUUUUUUUUUDE you miss the 1980s when you were bleating, “We want Dukakis!”

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      19. The Blowhard Bigot is lecturing others about ignorance? You better go comfort Bubba Wallace about his hate crime being exposed as another Libtard hoax.


      20. Because we were treated to 5 days of you lying libs parading him around as Exhibit A on what is wrong with America. Instead he is Exhibit A of your Limousine Liberal White Guilt.

        Liked by 2 people

      21. Funny when confronted with facts how it’s the facts that are the issue.

        Let’s just come up with slogans and throw that at our problems… hahahahaha

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      22. You are really trying, Big Mouth. Why don’t you write us another dissertation about your White Privilege and how abolitionist statues need to be dumped into Lake Mendota?

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      23. When did I say anything like that? No wonder you like Trump, you both are easily distracted and you lie.


      24. Dumbass Clay Russell:

        From a speech Reverend Martin Luther King delivered at DePauw University in September of 1960:

        “Black supremacy is as dangerous as white supremacy, and God is not interested merely in the freedom of black men and brown men and yellow men. God is interested in the freedom of the whole human race and the creation of a society where all men will live together as brothers, and all men will respect the dignity and the worth of all human personality.”

        It’s enough to make you weep, if you think of the fact that such a statement would now be highly controversial and unlikely to find a home on any college campus including President Caril Burnett’s USC or among the resident libs here.


    5. Let me see, it’s been two weeks since the start of the protests/rioting/looting and people are surprised that there’s a spike in the Covid-19 results. Couldn’t have anything to do with the looting. Nah, they were all staying 6+ ft apart. Hahahahaha……. DUMB ASS LMAO 😂😂😂


    6. gotroll22 is a pudly alias or vice versa.

      Pudly dumb fuck used to have a few aliases on Wolf’s previous blog. One alias he used to use, he named Gabby. His favorite saying from her was “crotch kick” everytime he thought he got a good dig on someone.

      Pudly pervert used to use Gabby to fawn all over Helton until one day he did that, but under the screen name pudly…totally giving himself away.

      Fucking straight clowned himself. He is famous for creating aliases in order to give himself likes, that’s how pathetic he is.



      1. senileobamakaka TulsaTrojan aka USC Fan Boy is so lazy he uses the exact same posts and emoticons for his various sock puppets! Then he gives himself away by telling us he is retired just like he does on Wild West.

        Hahahahaha……. DUMB ASS LMAO 😂😂😂



      2. “…He is famous for creating aliases in order to give himself likes…”

        Wow. I hope that’s not true and that you’re just mistaken. Maybe it takes that kind of egotist to relate to someone like Trump. That sounds EXACTLY like something Trump would do. I think a lot of his supporter just see a lot of themselves in him.


    1. We’ll play a number of these teams in the regular season and playoffs…..

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      1. gotroy22/Jack-Pudly76, you need to get a life, Old Fart. Maybe you can get a job at Costco as a greeter. 😂😂😂. You lonely old Man. 😜😜


    2. Without a doubt Jack-Pudly76, you are the Dumbest Mutha Fucker who comments on Scott Wolfs page . You need to get a life, Old Fart. Maybe you can simultaneously suck on Bozo Helton, and Trumps Cock to pass the time of day. 😂😂😂. You lonely old Man


    3. Jack-Pudly76 is so lazy he uses the exact same posts and emoticons for his various sock puppets! Then he gives himself away by telling us he is retired just like he does on Wild West.

      Hahahahaha……. DUMB ASS LMAO 😂😂😂



      1. senileobamakaka TulsaTrojan aka USC Fan Boy is so lazy he uses the exact same posts and emoticons for his various sock puppets! Then he gives himself away by telling us he is retired just like he does on Wild West.

        Hahahahaha……. DUMB ASS LMAO 😂😂😂



  2. Unfortunately I haven’t seen our Trojans “knock many D-lines onto their heels” in quite some time. Too many years of focusing on recruiting skill players whilst the big-uglies up front are an after thought. News Flash: Blocking up front is a “skill” and a much needed one at that!

    Liked by 4 people

  3. I’ll settle for staying within 21 points of Bama or Oregon. Ten for Udub and ND. Being close or winning against Az St. Somehow beating Utah, Stanford and Ruins.
    Our OL is bad and will be worse this year.
    The rest…..this is the pathetic 12…..we should be able to beat them with our second team.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Even though we don’t have a lot of talent up front we could STILL be great this year IF we had a first rate o-line coach…..

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      1. Michael, so much technique to playing O-line, including adjustments for the person(s) you will be facing. Wisconsin seems to always have a solid O-line, despite none of the guys being above 3 star recruits. Coaching so important for the O-line position and for the group to work cohesively…

        Liked by 3 people

      2. I’ve watched Drevno interviews —all the way back to his 49er days. He’s no more the Drevno of old than Joe Biden is the Biden of old…..
        P. S.
        While we’re on the subject —it’s funny that folks who can so easily see Helton is lost in space can’t see Biden’s lost too (only way worse)…..

        Liked by 4 people

      3. What are you saying Michael? That Drevno is to old to copy his homework anymore?
        It was Little Joey who was censured at Delaware for plagiarism wasn’t it. I guess if he can’t remember it, it must not have happened…

        Liked by 3 people

      4. Biden spoke recently about 120 million covid deaths… hey, who hasn’t been off by a factor of 1,000, once or twice?


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      5. 67– Yes, once or twice a week —meaning every time he’s allowed to open his mouth.
        Anyone can see Joe is suffering from early stages of dementia. Dems shouldn’t look the other way here — they need to demand a candidate who doesn’t squint and stutter…

        Liked by 3 people

      1. Pudly –I heard a channel swimmer once say, “it’s all about the finish –about emerging into the light and dry land.” David Lynch said he liked to have his characters emerge from out of the darkness & walk into the light –the way Laura Dern did in Blue Velvet. Maybe there’s a lesson there for everybody….

        Liked by 3 people

  4. You aren’t being told to change who you are, you’re being asked to come back to who you are…

    The Lincoln Project


    1. Honesty you guys, I spent so much time reading insults I had to go back to the “story” and read it again. So the question is of the size of a crowd at a football game in Texas, right?
      First Texas is a football state. People eat drink and live football in Texas. Alabama is a football state it’s a religious belief that football was created to keep Alabama fans happy. So what is the question about the crowd? The USC alumni club of Texas would have been there too, but they were recently reorganized into disbanding. I can understand Scott’s concern about the crowd. The bean counters probably didn’t count reporters in their calculations for safe numbers. He might be pirating the PAC 12 channel in his mom’s basement.

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  5. While Trump certainly has his issues, the Democrats are laughable. On January, there were 20+ candidates of varying skin colors, varying sexual preferences, young and old, man and woman. The party of progressive diversity and change and they chose Biden? Unfucking believable. Old, white, and completely off his rocker. Trump will make sausage of Biden when they debate.LMAO!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. How could the dems do this to themselves?
      […If the dems weren’t 100% corrupt—-yes, 100%— they would have run Tulsi Gabbard …and, in the present atmosphere, probably would’ve won]……

      Liked by 3 people

    2. A large slice of the American populace is ONLY comfortable voting for an older, white, heterosexual male and that’s what they got. That’s why Trump is having such a hard time getting his footing with Biden…he needs a boogeyman for white America to run from. A woman, a person of color or a homosexual aren’t available for him to blow his dog whistles about. Taking those things away from him is taking away his ammunition. If it’s down to his record and depth of knowledge of issues, he has nothing. He needs to be able to divide people by tapping into their fears and insecurities because stoking resentment among Americans was his raison d’être. His election was largely a backlash to the election of the first African American President and people will see him as such when they look back in history. Some people can’t see the future until it becomes history.

      If Republicans were interested in electing a competent businessman, they would’ve nominated Romney. If they were interested in electing an experienced administrator, they would’ve nominated Kasich. Instead, they wanted to own the liberals and spitefully piss on the Presidency of the United States. Anytime there is a clear sign of advancement for people of color, there is a backlash against that advancement. It’s just what we do.


      1. With the Dems, I think the idea is that Biden will serve 4 years and then they will try to elect the first woman President. More Boomers will have come off the voting rolls and more younger people will be of voting age, so it could happen.

        Part of the Republican party is willingly following Trump into the desert and I don’t know if they’ll ever come back because of the makeup of that cohort. You have entire generations who got their idea of Progressivism from President Obama and their idea of Conservatism from President Trump. Despite what my Conservative blog-mates might think, there’s really no contest and it’s clear. It’s that picture of Ali standing over Sonny Liston and shocking the world.


      2. With you Democrats, the idea is to round up all 63 million Deplorables, put them in box cars and ship them to the death camps.

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      3. I didn’t realize Pudly had morphed into you…how nice. Your boy should be able to make his point and defend it, but Twitter can’t make it for him and he doesn’t have one anyway.

        You’re persona non grata to me. STFU and step off.


      4. You are just as ignorant and hateful as your pals senileobama, s-head and IQ82. You STFU. You pollute this blog with your drunken 10,000 word rants about white guilt.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. If Biden dies in office, it saves the Dems the trouble of trying to get people like you to ever consider a woman of color for leadership.


      6. If? He’s got one foot in the grave now. You Dumbocrats have no shame using the poor senile old man for your own agenda.

        Liked by 2 people

      7. I consider everyone. I dispose of many though, make and females. I’d vote Condoleeza Rice in a second, even tho she went to furd.

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      8. You consider everyone, but you only vote for one type…strange for a truly open-minded individual. A token is a token and I’m glad there’s one black woman in the world you would think about.


      9. You only vote for str8 white men for president and don’t even try lying. Your boy is a total clown who would sell us all out to save his ego. Wake the fuck up dude.


      10. You are an idiot who thinks they know something and if they say it loud enough somebody might believe them.
        You DON’T know me. The fact you continue to call names has gotten us to point where I can only wish you better luck this time. If I remember right, hillary had a bigger lead and was a much better candidate. If you think she lost BECAUSE she was a woman, rather than because of the type of woman she is, you’re destined to relive history.
        Adios. Thanks

        Liked by 1 person

      11. I call you names because you are doing your best to exemplify them.

        I KNOW you have only voted for str8 white men for President. Tell me I’m wrong if I am. Why call me an idiot for being right?

        She lost for several reasons, but I don’t really care. You’re arguing with ghosts again. We now have a track record for Trump and the country, as well as the world, see he’s not up to the task of American or world leadership.

        Your lazy, feckless president will be a one-term wonder and people who think like him won’t be far behind him. You guys deserve each other.


      12. You are wrong. There are many times I let my dog choose. Seems to be as discriminating as you.
        And no I don’t vote straight anything. You DONT know me.

        Liked by 1 person

    3. You are full of shit. Trump is a moron like yourself who is not believable
      in any fashion. What has he done for you or the country that is not hatred
      oriented? Hey missing link isn’t Trump old, white, and brain dead. Biden
      will chew up and spit out pussy grabbing Trump in the debates. Put your
      mask on and keep the venom from getting out.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hey you’re the guy who keeps claiming to be Dr Bob Jensen aren’t you. You like to use a number of different handles don’t you? I remember you telling me that. I keep asking myself why a guy who has so much clout would act like a child and post under so many different identities….the Bob Jensen I met at the ADA convention wasn’t that type.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. S- what a POS you have for brains. Has Biden smelled your hair yet? At least Trump goes for gold, Biden massages necks and sniffs hair. If you think Biden can stand there for 90 minutes against Trump and not come out looking like a total brain dead Obama kiss ass right up to the brown you are dumber than you look. Take your mask and pack it where the sun doesn’t shine.

        Liked by 2 people

  6. A stroll down memory lane…I’d post the other link but every time I post 2 links I get the dreaded “Awaiting Moderation” reply…

    So if you want to see second half, just search for USC – ND 1970, part 2.

    Great game, Trojans were able to hang on…Theisman had a game for the ages but still came up short.


    Liked by 3 people

      1. Joe’s last play: awful… the worst ever….stomach wrenching…

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  7. Breaking News: A white sheet was found on Bubba Wallace’s bed.

    AT WORK, Bubba: Why you white guys always so happy?
    Kyle: Because I make love to my wife every morning before work.
    Bubba: Say whaaat? You get her to make love EVERY morning? How do you do that?
    Kyle: It’s easy, I just say a poem, women love poems and will fall for them all the time.
    Bubba: Ok, what kind of poem can you say to make her make love every morning?
    Kyle: I say, “blonde hair, blonde hair, eyes of blue, I love to wake up and make love to you.
    Bubba: HAHAAA she falls for that?
    Kyle: yes you should try it.
    Kyle: What happened to you?
    Bubba: Well, I said a poem to my wife and she didn’t like it.
    Kyle: She didn’t like it? What did you say?
    Bubba: Nappy head, nappy head, eyes like a frog, if I could roll your fat *** over I would do you like a dog.


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