USC Morning Buzz: Transfer Portal Has Lopsided Look

If you are keeping score at home, USC’s busy transfer portal has taken a distinct look that may not exactly best meet the Trojans’ needs.

Now it’s still early and there will be activity through the spring but let’s take a look at the current transfer portal class: USC has taken eight wide receivers and defensive backs but just three offensive/defensive linemen.

I wouldn’t complain if it were reversed and USC took eight offensive/defensive linemen and three receivers/cornerbacks.

You can argue USC needs wide receivers/corners, but this feels lopsided and reminiscent of the Helton era. USC always gets skill players. But recently it has problem with linemen.

And let’s not forget the other area where USC really needs help: Linebacker.

Where are all the linebacker transfers? USC might get linebacker Lorenzo McCaskill of Louisiana but who else?

Bottom line: The transfer portal class is still being put together but as of today, it needs more help at key positions.

56 thoughts on “USC Morning Buzz: Transfer Portal Has Lopsided Look

    1. Trojan Five,

      I respectuflly disagree with what your wrote. SC needs oline, line, and lbers very badly. There should have been a balance of line and skill positions. Without o line, the qb will be destroyed. That is what happened to Slovis. I am partial to linemen because I played line on both sides of the ball. They determine the outcome of the game.

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      1. There are some data that indicates that the O-line in 2021 was pretty good. To my eye, quite a few of Slovis’ sacks and hits were from his immobility and holding the ball too long (ostensibly, because the inexperienced WR’s could not get open).

        We knew the D-line (and LBs) were gonna be a problem in 2021 due to attrition and injury. Maybe the D-line has some talent (Tuli, Korey) which the coaches think they may work with?

        Anyway, I agree that recruiting a few Leonard Jacksons, some Kenechie Udezes, a few Sedrick Ellis’s etc would be really nice. Hopefully soon.

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      2. The offensive and defensive position coaches have had alot less time to recruit. Give them a little time. Keep in mind that this transfer portal is going to keep cranking all the way through Spring Practice. If I were Henson, I would also be focusing on getting the last two great offensive linemen from the 2022 high school class – Devon Campbell and Josh Conerly. Not sure if Devon is even a possibility, but he loved USC in the past and with a really great position coach, I think we might have a chance.

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    2. Hey dimwit, this is Wolf ‘s Blog. He has the right to post negative or positive as he pleases.

      You can Toejam 5 can start your own blog and make an bozo FB ass of yourself as often as you do on Wolf’s blog.


  1. Riley has probably decided, “we’re not gonna be a complete football team in 2022 –but we’re not gonna be outscored.” Given the complete mess he inherited (USC got beat up by the shittiest Stanford team of the last 10 years), this is the best avenue open to Riley.
    BUT…. whatever is going on with Caleb Williams is turning into a distraction Riley doesn’t need. For the sake of argument let’s say Riley made a deal with Caleb in October that they were both gonna jump to USC — let’s also say that the NCAA would have trouble with that —and let’s finally assume the whole “I’m still searching” odyssey Caleb now appears on is just a way of covering his tracks before he finally picks USC — in the meantime he’s pissing off fans and USC players —and he’s gonna need both in 2022.


    1. If Caleb Williams is going to be a team leader then y’all in trouble! Unless this guy comes into the locker room handing out gifts, I don’t think the players will follow him. Also, this attitude he and his father are displaying is the last thing your program needs. You may beat up on cupcakes but will lose to any team that has a pulse. We know y’all not stopping any offenses this year.

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    2. I’d do the same if I were in his shoes. There is a deadline for him to decide and making a decision prior to that deadline could prove foolish if something material were to happen between the early decision and the deadline date. For any kind of decision like this, it’s smartest to wait until the last minute unless there is a compelling reason not to. I don’t see a compelling reason to make the decision until absolutely necessary. There could be some potential camaraderie issues with existing team members, but that can be easily overcome if he has the right charisma and natural leadership ability, which I do not know.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. From a strictly personal standpoint, Caleb’s delayed decision is the way to go. Reading the comments over a wide spectrum of blogs, he’s reached the point of diminishing returns with fans. I can only guess how his potential teammates feel —- but I bet it’s not good.

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      2. Agreed.

        Along those lines, the OTA’s in the Summer are where the QB and WR’s can work with each other (with no coaches) and build trust. If Caleb comes, he better plan on staying on campus over the Summer break and work on trust and timing with the WR’s.

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    3. USC fans need to chill. We have NO CLUE about the reasons for any delay. As long as we either get CW or Jaxson Dart comes back, we are good.

      Some good quality players came our way recently, let’s celebrate that and be ready for more good news. I think we might start to land a few players in the positions where we really need it – like the line and linebackers.

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  2. may be the beds r to small and the fat line mans dont think they wil get good sleep at usc like they can other scools,do i all ways gotta piont out the obvius?smdh

    Liked by 2 people

    1. you’re on the right track…it’s more about the shower stalls, though…. and it’s not a negative…it’s a plus…


  3. The toilet stalls in the Midwest as a general rule are 2″ wider than most West of the Rockies. Makes it tough on O-lineman.
    I used to visit the Midwest. Empirical evidence.

    West Coast people are generally slimmer.

    I ain’t shitting you.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. No sh*t ’86? Why am I not surprised you obtained empirical evidence that Midwest toilet stalls are 2″ wider than in the west.


      1. I’m pretty confident you two guys could resolve all your differences if you’d read & implement my shower stall thesis….

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      2. That’s what Batman said about the Joker…


  4. For 6 years we groused and second-guessed Helton because he was an f-up. And everybody was right about the VC. But somehow, someway, Bohn hired a top 5 coach. Light years different than the village idiot. Still plenty of schollies to give out!

    BTW, a 4 star CB from Oklahoma just transferred to USC. Scottie, get with it! Breaking news!

    USC is a whole different product than Oklahoma, so he should be able to recruit top 5 classes. At OK, the classes were around 10th. This could make a big difference.

    He already has the second-ranked group of transfers. C’mon Scottie, if you are going to snark, snark about USC hoops.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Tough Colorado Buff team, but USC has played pretty well on road. Is Isiah White back to play meaningful minutes? If he is I like USC.

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  5. Numbers is only half the analysis. You have to include quality of candidates available in position A vs the same in position B. Giving us an idea of how stacked the portal is with linemen vs receivers/corners would give us a much better picture of why decisions are being made. But thorough analysis (vs simple commentary) has never been this blog’s strong suit.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. JS,
      Our strong suit is showing up to this blog with torches and pitchforks when we feel that Trojan Nation is being led astray by coach, ADs, and administrators. Some feedback on your 2 posts:

      1. You are right that young Caleb should analyze his situation and make the best decision for himself with all the time he has allotted to him, but his dad needs to shut the f up. How many other fathers do you see talking about their college athletes in terms of $$$? Only the problematic fathers (Ball, Newton Sr., Chuck n Duck Sr.).

      2. There may be a dearth of reliable OL, DL, LBs in the Transfer Portal, but the fact remains that these are the positions of greatest need in Troy right now. It seems clear to us that Lincoln is going to rely on his assistants to coach up these position groups.

      BTW, welcome to the blog. And bring your pitchfork.

      Liked by 4 people

    2. We all have our “strengths,” Jeffrey.

      I no longer look at the recruiting pages, as USC has wasted most of it’s 5 stars (and a bunch of 4 stars) over the last decade. Others on the site are quite knowledgeable and bring it every day. I like the FPI database and use it regularly for this site. I think the PFF is pretty good also–though I’m not a member. Keep it coming, friend.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. fyoueth,

    This year Sc will have to outscore and I agree with your assesment. On Caleb, a couple of thoughts, he might wait until the Feb signing or wait until the end of the school semester. he should have been here now for classes. he would have a lot to make up in class. we will see.

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  7. Scooter,

    Find out if any linemen are signing in February. there might be some secrets that you don’t know or the oline coach is just being quite and not saying a word on his recruting. I am sure he knows that SC needs linemen, same with the dline and lbers.

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    1. Clay now has a new twitter handle for Georgia Southern. Almost all of his tweets are to send out happy birthday wishes to the football players.


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      1. Nice to know Clay is relying on the same stale P. R. stunts that finally got him kicked outta California….

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      1. Riles is not planning on punting or kicking field goals in 2022, so why waste a scholi?

        Might have to go for 2 points after touchdown if he can’t find a walk-on to kick EXPs.

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  8. Memo to: ’67

    Andyain’twinning/bozo bb is currently riding a flashy, 7 game losing streak vs Colorado!

    Chances are the bozos will make it 8 losses.


      1. For bruin fans, 8-4 (and running out on a bowl game right before the kickoff) is the functional equivalent of a natty…..

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  9. USC won’t even approach the success of the Alabama’s, Georgia’s and Ohio State’s until they start getting the front sevens on defense and the O-Lines on offense that these schools have.

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    1. Lincoln Riley is one of the smartest coaches around and he will develop a plan to win with the talent he is able to acquire and coach up the rest. Of course, we need to get some top talent, but the new coaches need time to make that happen.

      We are headed in the right direction. A little patience and trust is what is required now.

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  10. To state the obvious. . . bringing in skill talent makes the bench a real possibility for non-performing skill players. Linebackers are not the need in today’s game and some d-backs and safeties will be converted or moved out of USC. In short, Riley let himself get too comfortable at OU and will have to face the test of winning at Southern Cal while being paid handsomely for his troubles.


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