A Story Unfolds As Predicted

Jeff Goodman of Stadium reports UCLA guard Jaylen Clark is out for the season with an Achilles’ injury. It’s sad news for Clark.

But it also backs up what I wrote this morning regarding the media and who would report Clark’s injury. Goodman is a national college basketball reporter. He doesn’t care about the UCLA fanbase or if he might upset Mick Cronin with the news.

So he’ll break the story. Unlike the segment of the UCLA fanboy media that has a bunch of other concerns it places above reporting the injury. Like pleasing the UCLA fans. Their relationship with Cronin. Their access to players . . .

  • Juju Watkins was named California Gatorade Player of the Year for the second straight year. She will play at USC next season.

45 thoughts on “A Story Unfolds As Predicted

  1. Sorry for UCLA…. they had another shot at Final Four….


    1. Yeah, it do MG.

      But looking on the bright side of Clark’s devastating injury, Clark will undergo surgery, heal stronger, and probably return for his senior season.

      BTW MG, seriously, what’s happened with Vincent Iwuchukwu. He seems to have disappeared and didn’t play against AZ St. What’s up with that?…heart problems acting up?

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Dear Owns,
        I haven’t seen an explanation…

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Anyone who picks UCLA to get out the first round should have their head examined. Side note: Last time JOwn had his head examined, they found nothing. They had to use an electron microscope to see his IQ.


      1. What a load of booger and his daddy BS. Booger reminds of Nick “Shity P” Young. But the booger deserves the “Goodnight Chuck e. Buggs” Xfer of the Year award.

        Jaime Jaquez is clearly the P-12 Player of the Year.


      1. I doubt it Salami; although Colo. @ home hung with UCLA until the final few minutes.

        UCLA, one and done, isn’t impossible, but highly improbable.

        Salami, you good be right, my ex-wife (Sadly passed away.), always said I didn’t a brain in my head.


  2. ugh,wut iz this insideucla ore sum thing,necks thing u now u wil be reporeting abowt ol’peenus breth muthur and thisill be the inside ol’peenus breth muthur blahg but thare wil probaly be alotta muhteariull fir taht,


  3. What bothers me is that sucla and Arizona get the afternoon games tomorrow while SC will start play at about 9:00 at night.
    So assuming SC wins they will get to bed after midnight and have but hours to get ready for its next game

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Po’ bozo babies.

      LJ, I think Andyain’twinning arranged the game time so fewer people would witness a bozo loss.

      Remember LJ, Andyain’twinning and must win bozo BB games are mutually exclusive.


    2. The Trojans play at 8:30 pm also on Friday, which is 24 hr.’s
      apart barring an upset the night before. Agree they always seem
      to get the raw end of the deal with scheduling.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh no, not another pre-game loser excuse.

        #Cue: the Green Wave fight song.

        Just asking for a friend Clownsters, but was SUCC FB’s last offense play vs Tulane, LR designed or just piss poor improvisation (Here, you take it.).


      2. JO likes to deflect. He knows that the Bruins are choke jobs par excellence, so he rails against USC this way. Bruins are done, nada, zippo. They had their “dynasty” under the guidance of Sam “Big Daddy” Gilbert and his thugs many years go. Those days are long, long gone. Bruins are washed up–even the school color is a faded, washed-out blue. They cannot even do that right. Not a chance they come anywhere near the final four.


    3. Well, John, one good thing about tomorrow…

      The three early P12 games are on P12 Network. Ours is on ESPN. We have Dish, but I know several on here do not and YES, I do care about them. 😛

      Liked by 1 person

  4. LJ working on his bozo BB loser excuse before the bozo’s even take the court.

    #Ugly bozo BB losses are the residue of overt rah-rah pessimism.

    #Oh well.


      1. I wouldn’t say that they are done. Losing Clark might keep them winning a national championship but I still think that they will go far in March Madness.


    1. I think Andy Enfied is also a real good coach and a great recruiter but not as good of a coach as Cronin. Bobby Knight comes from the Woody Hayes era of coaching. I liked those days but it is a different world today. Neither Cronin or Enfield is going to do that today, not if he values his job. Today the snowflakes will have a nervous breakdown right in front of you if you yell at them like that. They’ll go crying to the administrators and those administrators will support them not you.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Fellas,
    I have been given access to 40K+ hours of very rare Civil War footage. I plan to pick out only the non violent parts and edit them together to rebrand the “conflict” as nothing more than a bunch of southern gentlemen sightseeing while wearing matching blue outfits.
    I bet you all can’t wait to see it!


      1. I am exactly what my screen name says.
        Civil war, Northern Aggression, War Between the States, you can call it whatever you want. I’m simply trying to portray it as a peaceful event.


      2. Why not portray it as a peaceful event, same way the Dims portray the more than 500 riots in 2020. Oh may bad. I meant “protests”.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Weightlifter, JayCee Cooper, totally dumping on truly female athletes the same way Lia Thomas did. Hilarious that Lefties claim to be about women’s rights.

      Same way they claim to care about lives following a mass shooting, but ignore the drugs pouring through Joe’s open border and killing THOUSANDS of Americans. Sad.

      Liked by 3 people

  6. Now that is stupid. I didn’t even know that women had a international day. Too politically correct. By the way, Trump got a promise from China to buy more American goods. Still waiting on that promise to come to fruition. Only thing China does is send more fentanyl (through L. A.) which they were doing since the Obama administration. Drugs were coming through borders under multiple administrations, make a better argument. Your Mark Levin act is silly. And Michael, you know better. At least you were part of this system. If you think you could run for office, you would have done so already. We know what the outcome of that would have been. Crying about how crappy Biden is makes as much sense as saying the election was stolen in 2020. Didn’t hurt the other Republicans, just one guy who lost to the same party that couldn’t keep the House but they’re so ingenious to beat that Trump guy. Now, McCarthy gives videos to a media person but doesn’t want other media to have the videos? That’s who’s side your on?


    1. MG said recently that he was not on the side of crazy. The problem is with Rudy Giuliani, Marjorie Taylor Green, George Santos, the My Pillow Guy, completely baseless stolen election claims, Fox News knowing the story is bullshit but running with it anyway all being on one side, I’m having a whole lot of trouble figuring out which one is the normal side.


      1. “Completely baseless.” LOL

        Yeah, the hundreds of millions worth of favorable & deceptive advertising Dementia Joe got by the MSM and social media weren’t a factor at all.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. What specific evidence have you seen to make you believe the election was stolen?


      3. What’s your take on the DOJ, McConnell, Romney, Schumer etc. all claiming it was wrong the unedited film of the 6th Jan footage was released and showed by Fox? Any problem with that poor clown with the buffalo head dress, getting a 4-year sentence when this footage shows Capitol Police escorting him? If the belief is Trump’s claims are groundless then explain Garland claiming 6 policemen were killed by the riot.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. I think it was totally wrong that the footage was released only to Fox. Read anything about their credibility lately?
        The poor clown with the buffalo head dress pleaded guilty to a felony charge of obstructing Congress’ certification of the 2020 vote. No problem whatsoever with the sentence.
        He wasn’t being escorted around the whole time, that’s just what your boy Tucker showed you.


  7. It’s telling when the 4th estate leaps in unison over anyone breaking ranks with their and their masters It is a disturbing reality when the press fails to question any govt pronouncement and I do mean any. You ok then what about the Attorney General of the USA claim of 6 DC cops dying directly due to the ‘insurrection’? His targeting pro-life demonstrators rather than the violence of pro-abortion advocates? You see no problem with the same ‘attorney general’ ether tacitly or overtly ordering monitoring of traditional Roman Catholics? Were said targets be of Jewish faith what would the reaction be? Before the canard of antisemitism be leveled know I have two Jewish brothers-in-law.

    We have a govt of fanatics controlled by true fascists – oligarchs in media and industry – that are committed to twisting any counter to their narrative. They are waiting for the bulk of the baby boomer generation to pass away for their final move. Far too many of us ‘remember’ when ‘facts’ mattered especially in a trial – wonder how you’d feel receiving that sentence of 4 years when damning video evidence was denied your counsel in your defense.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Got a link to Garland claiming the cops died directly due to the ‘insurrection’ because I haven’t seen or heard that?
      Nobody is being prosecuted for murder but they are for assault. Do you condone what was done to the cops and clearly captured on video?

      If only there was a term for the white trash that stormed the Capitol.
      I got it, Useful Idiots!


      1. Come on boyo – take your partisan blinders off – if the Trump DOJ had done a smidgen of what this little louse garland has done towards ‘progressive’ advocates, positions, you’d be in high dungeon and rightly so. We have a 4th estate in lock step with a govt.. That is what fascist regimes move towards and they’ve squared the circle by culling all the academicians, sports stars, entertainment and medical ‘experts’ to smother any discussion – you’re living proof of the success of this.

        You better hope you don’t cut across the bow of any of these ‘nazis’ – they demolish any discussion of fraud, injustice, corruption i.e. when the George Floyd mob destroyed Kenosha we were told it was justified or wasn’t that bad. This is the America we have spiraled down into – amazing you think nothing of that video of the ‘shaman’ being escorted holds no meaning to you in terms of an accused right to have the prosecution submit all evidence.


  8. Can you really not understand that just because your Shaman was not being handcuffed on video, it doesn’t mean he didn’t commit a crime at a later time? Did you not notice that in chaotic situations, sometimes the outnumbered cop response is to de-escelate. They also did that in many of the rioting in wake of George Floyd.
    Get this boyo – I totally condemn that violence and lawlessness as well!
    Anybody who committed crime there should pay the price and many did. Before you cry about the biased DOJ, none of that was federal so it was handled locally.

    Got a link to Garland claiming the cops died directly due to the ‘insurrection’ because I haven’t seen or heard that? Don’t tell lies.

    Can you bring yourself to admit that some of your white trash counterparts committed crimes on Jan 6 and deserve to be prosecuted or are you going to continue to play the victim card?


    1. Hey boyo,

      I just read how your poor victim Shaman and his lawyers did have access to all security video from Jan. 6. You really need to reevaluate which news sources you trust.


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