An Update On USC Presidential Search

Northwestern president Morton Schapiro has been considered the frontrunner in the search to become the next president at USC.

But he released a statement to the Northwestern student newspaper, the Daily, saying he had yet to be contacted.

“While I spent a wonderful 11 years at USC, I haven’t spoken with anyone on their search committee or on their board,” Schapiro said. “Even though I am completing a decade as president of NU, I am still having a great time here and there is much left to accomplish.”

If Schapiro is telling the truth, it is sort of shocking that he has not been contacted as a search that was supposed to take four-to-six months is currently in its seventh month.

Maybe he isn’t telling the truth. That would be the more-pleasant scenario for USC supporters who want a president that knows how to balance academics and athletics.


21 thoughts on “An Update On USC Presidential Search

  1. Morton Schapiro, considered a front runner for the next Clown U President, claims he hasn’t been contacted regarding his interest – SUCCX version of Who’s on First.

    Or Mr. Schapiro is being disingenuous; in that case, Schapiro is highly qualified to be the next bozo President.


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  2. It would be nice to have several top choices for the position of president at SC during the search process and not just one (1) frontrunner. In addition, it would also be nice to have an “Open Forum” with a mediator posing questions to the candidates and giving the SC community a chance to witness the calibre of leaders chosen by the presidential selection committee. I think it’s important to get a sense of the character and vision of the next top administrator at SC who will be entrusted to bring semblance and stability to an an institution that has been rocked with scandal, and is currently dealing with a negative image and reputation to a variety of people, as well as, organizations.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. drjess —with regard to your idea for an Open Forum with USC presidential candidates……

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  3. Scott’s a little behind on this story. USC’s Board Of Trustees has already issued a statement saying that the Martin Shapiro they picked out of the White Pages & contacted 2 months ago turned out to be Morton Shapiro, the gynecologist.

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  4. Schapiro is a fellow with high integrity. He knows how to run a university, he is smart, and he knows that the SC tradition values a high quality athletic program. (And for a really small school with high academic standards, Northwestern has had some good years in both football and hoops.)

    This would be a good hire for SC.

    Liked by 5 people

      1. MG: I don’t concur. 67 mentioned the key values and characteristics to make a positive impact at SC. Looking in retrospect, Nikias was the antithesis of what Shapiro is made of and directly responsible for the demise and giving our beloved institution “The Kiss of Death” in my humble opinion.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. drjess —you’re right: he’s perfect….


  5. A Morton Schapiro hire would mean a president who knows how to integrate the athletic programs and football into the fabric of the university. This guy knows a successful football program leads to better PR and more fundraising for the school.

    The other talked about candidate is Mr. Aoun from the New England region. This guy is close to Max Nikias and would likely follow what Max did – concentrate on fundraising, more international students over local kids and USC legacies and minimizing the athletic department. This is the guy you do not want USC to hire as President. He could give two cents about athletics and would not care that the football program is drowning.


    Liked by 4 people

      1. Yeah, that would probably clinch it for Aoun….


  6. Please stop posting photos of those two idiots – Max Nikias and Clueless Helton. Thank you. When is Max Nikias going to be required to move out of the Presidential mansion in San Marino ? Time for him to pack his bags and move on.

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    1. Proud Trojan: I guess the cajonless BOT has a philosophy of allowing detrowned and disgraced presidents of SC to be “Squatters”. Convene with the pitchforks and torches Trojans!


  7. I’m sure he hasn’t spoken to anybody at USC, but you know his representatives have, it’s nothing but a play of words . I’m sure contract details are being worked behind the scenes, and probably a starting date, too . Let’s just hope one of the first things in order for the new president is, to get a real athletic director.

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  8. Hiring Schapiro would be a disaster, IMO; USC does not need retreads or those who spent time under either Sample or Nikias, but an outsider who understands how private schools work. Schapiro (and Northeastern’s Aoun, another Sample-Nikias associate) is simply not the right person for the job. That each is under consideration suggests USC is retreating toward a defensive position. USC, however, does not need to circle the wagons but must choose an academic with stellar credentials from another elite institution with zero previous administrative ties to the university. Condi Rice comes to mind.


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