Longest Sentence Handed Out In College Admissions Scandal

Agustin Huneeus was sentenced to 5 months in prison, the longest prison term handed out in the College Admissions case to date.

He was also fined $100,000 and will do 500 hours of community service. Huneeus will have to report to prison on Nov. 4 and requested the United States Penitentiary, Atwater, or at least somewhere within 200 miles of San Francisco.

Huneeus paid $50,000 to rig his daughter’s SAT score and $250,000 to have her accepted to USC as a water polo recruit.

“You understand that (my daughter) is not worthy to be on that team,” Huneeus told ringleader Rick Singer in recorded phone conversations, according to court records, before asking, “And is there a risk that this thing blows up in my face?”

16 thoughts on “Longest Sentence Handed Out In College Admissions Scandal

    1. Choir Boy Haden had the LA Times write a self-serving article absolving him of all blame. According to that work of fiction, it was all his lesbo protege’s fault. That makes him the most incompetent Athletic Director in the history of the University of Southern California.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The LA Times has historically loathed USC….I’d say the reporter(s) wrote a very detailed and in-depth list of the events during and after Haden’s stint as AD. I really suggest you read the article. Haden had no idea who Singer was save that he was looking to ingratiate himself and Haden, per the article, distanced himself after Singer’s single one-and-done meeting with Haden and the wealthy USC alum who first met Singer. It was that wealthy alum who brought Singer to Haden. Haden made contact with Heinel, already deep in her corruption, who (Heinel) stated she hardly knew Singer.

        Understand I am no fan of Haden and his real ‘stain’ is what he did to the Mayr Foundation but he had nothing to do with Singer save he had no ‘oversight’ over the ‘side door’ admits by the athletic department and that is why this scandal got so huge – Singer was fishing for a ‘partner’ and like all ‘rotten’ ‘partnerships’ (adulterers, addicts, alcoholics, gamblers, traitors, embezzlers, thieves) they spotted each other immediately.


  1. I loved Haden and Swann when they helped SC to a couple of National Championships. And they both were highly respected as they had successful careers until becoming Athletic Directors. So now our primary memories of these two are that they were failures. Life is a tough crowd to play to.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. No sympathy here. All these chumps deserve everything they get. Ultra rich and privileged doesn’t allow you screw the system to help your kids. My blue collar parents made it work for both my brother and I to attend USC – The right way. Thankfully for them we were 4 grades apart, so the financial pain wasn’t overlapped. And the part that I hated the most then but now look back and totally appreciate some 15 years later is my parents making me pay a portion of my tuition myself. Fight On.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Interim Athletic Director, Dave Roberts, was a special assistant to now disgraced former USC President, Max Nikias. He was supposed to be the brains behind getting USC back on track with the NCAA compliance issues. He was special assistant for 6 years (2010 – 2016) . Under his watch, along with Haden and Nikias, this Athletic Department became one of the most corrupt in America. FBI investigations, Haden investigations, Nikias ignoring issues in the Medical School, Social Work School, student health center, deans doing drugs in Pasadena, deans sexually harassing other employees, etc. What a crew these people were. And, ignorant Carol Folt hired Roberts again. Like a fox guarding the hen house.


    1. I have to wonder per the 6 year period you cite just how much ‘real’ power Roberts had. Not saying I care for him or not but based on the efforts made internally by many per Tyndall and the medical school dean no one reacted because there was no chain of command to take a matter, in this case several serious ones, up any kind of ladder. There wasn’t one….Nikias is the most guilty as he never wanted to hear any bad news.

      I don’t believe Roberts had anyone who would listen to him esp. based on how Swann got hired and Nikias’ full arm in making sure that happened.


  4. Let’s lighten up on Haden. He was a good administrator when wasn’t making coaching hires and when he was asleep. Even when he was swindling a charity he wasn’t doing anything to the athletic department.

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